Misfit Mondays

Chakra Khan

Zephyr Williams & Charmaine Houck Season 1 Episode 13

Alright y’all. Give us a woo or a fuck yeah if Chaka Khan rings a bell. Go on, it doesn’t matter if you’re alone or not. Hoodeee hooo! Chaka Khan is every woman. She’ll put fire inside you. Anytime you feel danger or fear then instantly she’ll appear because she’s every energy. Ha! Gotcha. Chakra Khan. It’s all about energy today on Misfit Mondays. Strap in for a little journey into some woo woo today!

Joining us today is Alexander Kriech. Find him at akriechintuitive.com or on Youtube. Alexander is also on Facebook and Instagram at Alexander Kriech Intuitive. Be sure to chakra out his podcast, Clairvoyant Conversations.

Mx Zephy:

Lady Charmaine, are you sure this Shadow Work is light work? It looks questionable to me.

Lady Charmaine:

It's fine Mx Zephy

Mx Zephy:

but what about toxic light work?

Lady Charmaine:

Ufff, just grab a warm beverage and settle in.

Mx Zephy:

End scene! Just misfits.

Lady Charmaine:

Hello beautiful misfits! Are you fed up with the good vibes only crowd?

Mx Zephy:

People telling you where to go and how to be present?

Lady Charmaine:

Afraid to make your own choices and free to be you?

Mx Zephy:

Feeling just trapped?

Lady Charmaine:

Us too! Join us as we turn the light out on spirituality and get comfortable with the shadows right now with Misfit Mondays.

Mx Zephy:

Mx Zepy here, pronoun xe | xem and with me as always, is Lady Charmaine pronouns she | her. All right, y'all give us a whoo or fuck yeah, if Chaka Khan rings a bell go on. It doesn't matter if you're alone or not. hoody whooo. Chaka Khan is every woman. She'll put fire inside you anytime you feel danger or fear. Then instantly she'll appear because she's every energy. Ha, gotcha, Chakra Khaaaaan, it's all about energy. Today, on Misfit Mondays strap in for a little journey into some woowoo today. We have very special guests popping in today. And we are so excited for you to root down in your heart center and see with your third eye today. Get it? Nah, y'all are no fucking fun. Let's get into it with Alex Kriech and open up those chakras. So Alex, let's introduce yourself names

Alexander Kriech:

So, well thank you for having me. pronouns are you do welcome psychic work, I'm just throwing all the fucking questions at you.

Lady Charmaine:

What's your sign? Are you single?

Alexander Kriech:

Taurus sun and not single.

Lady Charmaine:

Good for you

Alexander Kriech:

Virgo moon and Scorpio rising for those who are curious. And a lot of planets in Gemini. So I think you'll hear that when I start talking. And I just kind of go a little bit all over the place. If you've experienced me in class, it's like, here's this topic but also bla bla bla bla bla bla bla side story so yep, my name is Alexander Kriech or Alex is fine whichever. I use Alexander cuz it's more powerful online. But friends family call me Alex. I'm in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Pronouns he him. Sometimes they them. It just mostly em. So I'm a professional intuitive, medium, numerologist, and budding astrologer. I have been in the woowoo world since officially since 2015 is when I started my business. But I've been interested since I was a tiny child. Like as early as second grade I was in the library just like checking out books on near death experiences interviewing my grandma about her near death experience and like reading about UFOs and my my mom's best friend we called the my uncle was just you know, her gay best friend basically. And what I was record sightings for me which is like the super cheesy paranormal only kind of unsolved mysteries. And it was like my jam and I think left a really kind of big. It was like a very big clue of like what I wanted to do, basically with something kind of in this world. Yeah, I do. You know, psychic readings, I do numerology, all the things. I also teach psychic development as well. Because I think everyone has access to intuition and honing their development. And like, intuitive ability to me is I guess for some people, it's like more of an obvious talent. But I think it can be developed in everyone. Obviously, not everyone is supposed to go out and be like a professional at it. But everyone can like find one. Everyone can play a few notes in the piano. It doesn't mean you're gonna be a master pianist, but like intuitive ability, something I think that is that comes. That is a natural sense to everyone. So I'm super passionate about teaching that and teaching everyone how to kind of open that up if they wish to.

Lady Charmaine:

So now recently you taught a class on chakras.

Alexander Kriech:

Mm hmm.

Lady Charmaine:

So that's what we're here are all about it. Now. For some people, they may know what the chakras are and some may think that we don't know what we're talking about.

Mx Zephy:

We don't

Lady Charmaine:

No, we don't. Now, there are seven main chakras. Am I correct? There are seven main chakras in our body starting at our root chakra.

Alexander Kriech:

Mhmm, going all the way to the crown and I always, you know, tell people to like yes, we have the seven main chakras. That's just our way of perceiving our vastly complex energy system. But the chakras really have a, an effect on your physical body and your overall wellness. It's not just like a woowoo out there spiritual thing. You know if one of your chakras is out of balance, I did this so I taught that I teach chakra is as part of my students like my intuitive development program. But I also just got done teaching this like whole series with this super with this kind of ex master yoga teacher, chakra expert, her whole thing is the chakras. And she kind of comes out after like a very grounded, like body mind, connection kind of perspective. And we've talked about what it's like, you know, for someone who has say, like an excessive Heart Chakra, right? Like they might be always giving to other people never kind of feeling at their own cup, they might feel kind of numb at the end of the day. The heart has to do with it. Obviously, I'm not a medical professional by any means.

Lady Charmaine:

But, you know, throw that warning out there. Disclaimer, we are not doctors or psychologists. We just play one on podcasts and TV.

Alexander Kriech:

The actual title, exactly, but it does. In general, if you're if your chakras are you know, out of whack for a long time that can have chronic physical health issues, too. So absolutely.

Mx Zephy:

And so that's the important thing about chakras. Two is like one of the things that people don't understand is these show up in your body. And chakras are very much like a physical manifestation like, I think, because and I think this is why you're a good fit for this podcast is because that's one of the things we do is we talk about how is this accessible to people? Because one of the things about chakras is like it shows up like, you know, like, when you feel stressed in your body somewhere, like maybe you or your stomach is upset and you got, I don't know what nausea or you're feeling like you're in the pit of your stomach. That's usually like your sacral center.

Alexander Kriech:

Mm hmm. Absolutely. Yep. And the way the way I teach it is, you know, like, your chakras are kind of there, between like, physical reality and just like pure energy, basically. So we have the physical body. We have the chakras, and then the chakras project the aura, which is like, like your electromagnetic field around your body, right? Yeah, but they're there end up being super important. Whether you like whether you think they are or not, they, you have the seven main chakras, and lots of other little chakras that I'm not a super expert in, but you have chakras in like the palms of your hands, chakras in your feet. When we do like these exercises in class, I always have people pull up like imagining pulling up, like the super healing earth energy through your feet, right. So you know, you're so your whole root chakra system, like kind of goes down from the your, like the tailbone, kind of like the bottom of your spine, but also really kind of into your legs and feet. And when you're not grounded, like this, this root chakra, everything else is kind of messed up. Because grounding is like, for me being you know, professional, psychic, and all this other stuff. I absolutely need to be grounded. Like absolutely, like your root chakra is about your survival system. Like, you know, being kind of here in the present moment being really rooted, not kind of, you know, floating off into airy fairy land. When I do a reading I have to be like, very connected into the energy grid of the earth and be like, yes, I'm doing a second reading. But I have to feed my cat and a half hour I have bills to pay and you remember my rent check on time. Like, you know, I need to be here in my body. Right? So and it's just,

Lady Charmaine:

I feel like that's a whole nother episode of like, firemen and readings. How does your cat show up in readings? I yeah, that's a whole nother episode. In fact, you could start a whole Instagram for him as a psychic cat.

Alexander Kriech:

As my little as my little familiar, you know?

Lady Charmaine:

Yeah, you're familiar. Well, so I'm just going to quickly go through the chakras for people who might not know. And so we're gonna start at the base or our root chakra, which Alex just talked about. And that is located where I love it when you say your butt. Yes, I'm taking glasses viewing it like and just get your butt. Yeah. Like, yeah, I got a big butt my root chakra. So when I root down this is gonna be a huge but this is where we have like our basic trust in our basic sense of stability and place in our bodies in our homes. And then we associate that with the color red, I'll even add that in there. See, I wrote this whole book like a year ago and actually talk that chakras in here.

Alexander Kriech:

Awesome. Cool.

Lady Charmaine:

So I was like, I've got this on my desk. So then we move up to our Sacral Chakra, which is below the belly button in the womb space between the hips sort of area. This is where we hold our sexuality, our creativity, and that is born. That's the color that we associate there. Then we move up to our solar plexus chakra, which is just above our belly buttons, and right below our diaphragm. So this is where we have our power center, we have our wisdom, you know, that gut feeling or your gut intuition. That's all right there. And we associate the color yellow with our solar plexus. And then we come up to our heart center, our heart chakra, where we have our love and our healing. And we associate that with the color green. And then we move up to our throat chakra, right there in the base of our throat, you know, where you get that lump, where you might have it your Adam's apple, this is our communication center, obviously. And we associate that with the color blue, then we move to our third eye, right? White, right between our brows. And this is really our awareness center. And, and this is your Indigo color, your deep blue, that that we're going into, and then we go right up to the crown of our head, our crown chakra, which is our connection to source spirituality. And we have a beautiful violet, violet, white light. I mean, it's imagine it as you will. But you think it's so white, it's on fire, it's got a little so those are the basic seven chakras granted that you've got your soul star and your earth star and all these things around you and meridians and, and all of these things that you can get into but we're not going to do that.

Mx Zephy:

But I just realized looking at this picture in your book, I just realized it is a rainbow from your from your root up to your top. So it goes in like the order of the visibility with which you can see, which I think

Lady Charmaine:

Did tou just pull my book off your shelf.

Mx Zephy:

I did. I legit pulled it off the shelf.

Lady Charmaine:

OMG I adore you.

Mx Zephy:

And then just looking at it. I'm like, wait a minute, that's roygbiv, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. And it's in the spectrum of you know, the light that you can see to the light you can't see. And I think that's wonderful. Because when like the chakra, like the roots chakra. I'm getting excited. So I'm slow down and pull back, I get

Alexander Kriech:

I didn't realize that either. That's funny. I was like, Oh, that makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?

Mx Zephy:

It does. Yeah.

Alexander Kriech:

You're going to..

Mx Zephy:

Go ahead, go ahead. No Go.

Alexander Kriech:

So you're, you're kind of going for like the most you're like lower three chakras or you're more like primal, animalistic centers. It's kind of like going from like more dense energies all the way up to like super spiritual ethereal. But I definitely am like, start with the root first. And, you know, do you and when I in this workshop I was doing that you can actually download now it's called. Oh my god. It's called, we call it a Goldilocks basically, it's like finding just right with your chakras, right? It's like the fun tagline. But it was, it was cool, because we were discussing how with each chakra, you kind of find out if you're obsessive, if that's your, like, superpower chakra if that's your extreme. So like I tend to be a little excessive in the third eye and like I needed to like check my astrology for head out for the day. And a little a little maybe rigid in my root chakra too, which is kind of interesting. But that's where I tend to be. I tend to kind of have those extremes and then my throat i think is my most dominant chakra like I'm always thinking I'm always kind of in my head. I'm always like, you know, I have a podcast too. I love to tell stories and talk and I'm like, Yeah, it's a dominant throat.

Mx Zephy:

I'm like extra everywhere like everything is excessive like my energy all the time. Like excessive everywhere.

Lady Charmaine:

I am. I'm excessive crown I am I will say that it often feels like my hair is growing. I just have that itchy scalp sort of thing. But I there's nothing wrong with me scalp. So it's just like I get that constant buzz in my crown chakra a lot. And definitely. I have a big old heart opening and I was that person who is off that felt depleted and like just completely awful from giving too much at the end of the day. That has changed. Yes, that has changed.

Alexander Kriech:

Good for you.

Lady Charmaine:

I now subscribe to self care which some call selfish. I call fan fucking tastic

Mx Zephy:

Let me find out who is calling you selfish.

Lady Charmaine:

And then I'm a little depleted in the root. And that happens a lot. And I see. And what's really funny because I am an energy healer, and I have an entire army of energy healers that I see and speak to

Alexander Kriech:

yeah. I hear that.

Lady Charmaine:

you know, it's even though I could, in a way heal myself. I'm lazy, I listen, it's easier to, it's easier to go get a second opinion, another perspective from somebody else, you know, see how it sits and resonates with you. And then you get some insight to work through stuff because working at it on your own sucks and, and

Alexander Kriech:

you have your blind spots too You don't see everything and, you know, like, if you're, I just, you know, there's something like, I'm a crier, whenever I go get like a Reiki treatment from someone I trust or something I'm like, or like a really good massage or like, I just like, whatever, I don't know, what I need. I need healing to, you know,

Lady Charmaine:

you're my people. I'm a crier.

Mx Zephy:

I think I've cried at least a total of 12 times today alone. Like, I think my heart chakra is open for God knows God knows what reasons this week, and I'm just like, I don't know what is going on with me. Like this is something like, I think it's actually great because, um, we like we talked about, like, things being open and things being closed. And I don't want to shift gears a little bit and talk about like, what happens when these things are like in excess? Because I think we think about like opening channels and things like that. Like, let's think about like water, I guess is the way to put it and like water flowing up and down your body?

Alexander Kriech:

I would think so he kind of for me like a kind of go each one. So like a super super, I'm going to say excessive super open root would be someone like that might be very, very stuck in one city, the town that they grew up in, like they don't want to leave that space. Like that. Like they have to know kind of what is coming up for them. Like what like where their next paycheck is coming from like it. It's really kind of very focused in their physical environment. I would think like a super.

Lady Charmaine:

That's my partner.

Alexander Kriech:

Oh, really? Yeah. But maybe they maybe they balanced you out a little bit, too.

Lady Charmaine:

I think that's the whole point. I'm all up here. They're all down there. Yep,

Alexander Kriech:

I definitely think a little bit more. I can be a little bit more guarded than my partner to like, just in my case, like, but then sometimes I like take off like an astronaut and they're like, hey, Alex, you just dropped an entire today. I pretended I had no arms and I dropped a roll of toilet paper in the toilet. I don't know, whatever. It's so um, but I had like excessive sacral I would say it's like overly needing, like, sexual experiences or like just needing to like move the body constantly needing excitement. It's like not quite ever calming down and coming back to Earth. Right. Super open core, or like I would say excessive core. So why don't you describe that?

Lady Charmaine:

Well, no, I I think Zeph and I were both pointing to ourselves here about excessive sacral chakras that we've all gone gone down the the road. Oh, whoa. Yeah, we've all been there. We've been on Hodeo Avenue. And

Alexander Kriech:

I hear you I hear you. Mine could be more open. I gotta say Mine could be more open. I think so.

Mx Zephy:

But if you want to borrow any of my openness. Let me know I have plenty to give.

Alexander Kriech:

I'll take some you can send it my way.

Mx Zephy:

Let's do an energy transfer.

Alexander Kriech:

This sounds good. I'm just gonna take some of your I'll take some of your Sacral Chakra please. So

Lady Charmaine:

On to the solar plexus. So with

Alexander Kriech:

super open core, I would say is like, you know, Boss Lady to the extreme. It's basically what I would say with that. It's like, it's like constant competition, constantly achieving, but to the point of like where it's like, they can't stop competing. I would think

Lady Charmaine:

that I'm a competitor, but I don't stop like this. I'm a gold digger.

Alexander Kriech:

Yeah, totally. I mean, which isn't a bad thing. It just if it gets in the way of something that would be

Mx Zephy:

Yeah, it's like Leslie Knope. Basically like Leslie Knope ratcheted up to like 100 and

Alexander Kriech:

that's a great that's a great example. Someone with like, a dominant or excessive course. Lovely notes, binders that she can create in like, several hours.

Mx Zephy:

Those binders are like my love language.

Alexander Kriech:

I wish I had that. Like I just tend to be a little I tend to be really nerd like neurodivergent like somewhere in the ADD Kind of spectrum. So I wish I was a little more organized. Super, but we've talked about the heart, super excessive heart, excessive throat, I would think like a performer like, it's like what I see performer like this might be like a stand up comic or someone who uses like communication. But to the extreme, they might never stop talking to me love to hear themselves talk, I think also maybe would have a hard time like shutting off their mind as well to like, constantly analyzing. The third eye super excessive third eye is like someone who like can't come back down to earth, I think and like third eye and crown excessive kind of goes together, honestly. But definitely like someone who might always kind of live in the other dimensions and the Fantasyland and stuff. Super excessive crown, I think kind of blends in. You know, I'm not really sure what to say about super excessive crown, but not that I can remember. But I think

Lady Charmaine:

You know, for me, it's that it's very hard for you can speak on that. me to focus sometimes. And I go through phases of hyper focus, and absolute no focus. And so I have luckily for me, I work from home, and I work for myself, in a way as you know, I do contract work. And I work my own business. So it allows me to, you know, really hyper focus for a few hours and then take time away. I felt very stifled by normal corporate in the office work, because I couldn't work in the ways that I needed to. So actually, this change up last year has been amazing for me. But even then, there's days where it's like, you know what, nothing's gonna get done this afternoon. And then, and then after supper, it's like, I am tuned in from seven until 10 o'clock at night. I'm ready to rock in. Yep. But I have to be able to do that I have to be able to be like, now's not the time. This is not coming out of my mind right now. Move on to the next thing. Yep. And there's other times where I get so focused on research, and I could research for hours I'll get lost in doing research for nine hours.

Alexander Kriech:

I wonder if you have some seven energy in your chart, like seven is the 10. Seven tends to be the researcher and like the someone who's gonna analyze something to death, but it's also like a very psychic energy to take some very,

Lady Charmaine:

I'm a triple Sagittarius.

Alexander Kriech:

Oh, okay. Cool. All right. So you both are Sag, right?

Lady Charmaine:

We are.

Mx Zephy:

Sag sun Leo rising Libra moon.

Alexander Kriech:

Okay, okay, I'm bringing all the earth energy to this party, then.

Mx Zephy:

Yeah. This would have been fucking chaos. It wasn't like the episodes where we don't have people who can ground us they go a little crazy, real quick,

Alexander Kriech:

gay and unhinged.

Mx Zephy:

Actually, now that we're talking a little about openness, what happens when we get when we balance them? Have you ever like physically felt balancing one of your chakras? There's one time actually Charmaine I texted you because I was doing yoga and it was in tree pose. And all sudden, they felt like I got like, psychically sucker punched, like, in my like, hip region. And I literally fell out of the pose on the ground and just started cackling. Because it's like, I don't know what the hell this was like. I was like, I just literally was like, Sucker Punch. And it wasn't like a physical feeling either. But it really like, now I'm fit now I feel a little bit more like grounded now. And I'm also on the floor.

Alexander Kriech:

And we're gonna set but there's isn't there some sort of like bonda with like the foot, like connecting the leg? Isn't that right? Charmaine? I believe. Yes. Yeah. Because I remember feeling. I remember her actually, a couple years ago, I think a very big memory of being kind of hung over and went to a yoga class. And I just felt like drained all day, too. It was like, I think it was like, I was serving in restaurants a lot at the time. So I was like, kind of hungover really drained. And I remember actually being in tree pose it's like, the moment you can literally feel your aura, like coming back together. I was like, Oh, that is literally what that feels like. Because I feel a million times better. So opposite experience.

Mx Zephy:

Well, I felt better afterwards. It was just chaotic. And I think that's the thing is because it was like tree pose, that balancing pose it really allows you to like recenter yourself and especially if you're grounding into the ground I was like, well, it's no wonder that like the sacral energy enter decided to wanted to balance itself again. It just took me off my ass. Those super unbalanced.

Alexander Kriech:

Absolutely. That little that little Hippo had that little hip opening action you had to maybe

Lady Charmaine:

could be. I find that greatness in camel pose myself.

Alexander Kriech:

Oh, yeah,

Lady Charmaine:

that sucker opens me up and it's like, it's like I could feel everything. shoot straight through my chakras.

Alexander Kriech:

Totally. Totally. It's that that like, because that's a pretty that's a pretty hard like, like you're it's like a super heart opening one, isn't it, too?

Lady Charmaine:

Yeah, it is yeah.

Mx Zephy:

You are literally exposed to the world in that one.

Alexander Kriech:

Yep. I'll take it. I'm just showing showing off showing my boobs, the universe at that point. So,

Mx Zephy:

give a little shimmy.

Alexander Kriech:


Lady Charmaine:

Yeah, so I, I really like that word a lot. And you know, the only thing I have to say for my week of being grounded is I fell out of bed on Monday night and hit my head on the window sill, which was a lot of fun. It's okay, life goes on. But I tell you at my, at my age, it's been a long, long time since I've fallen out of a bed. And I was just like, What just happened? And then of course, part of me that sits there is like, I was in bed, right? Like, yeah, I wasn't sleepwalking. Or like, Did someone just like slam me on the floor? I get all you know, woo in my head, like, holy crap. Did spirit just come toss my ass out of bed? What did I do?

Alexander Kriech:

Like, I'm always like, what I just abducted, like, what happened just now. And I'm like, I probably just fell out of bed. But yeah, I'm definitely always going to like that.

Lady Charmaine:

Yeah, it's, it was very strange. So now, I was told once that when you're dealing with your heart chakra, the opening of your heart chakra is actually in your back. So we almost like so the front of our chest pushes the energy out from our heart chakra. But we actually take energy into our heart chakra through the back portion of our heart. And so then, that meant that if someone came up behind you and gave you a hug, and it was their chest to your back, they were actually pushing more love into your heart chakra. And I was like, that's the sweetest thing. But I don't know, sweet, but I don't know if there's any real science behind that.

Alexander Kriech:

I don't know. I don't have the authority to speak on that. That sounds hot. I do like that. But

Mx Zephy:

I am glad I wasn't the only thinking that, I was like, Huh. I like this.

Lady Charmaine:

Let's touch heart chakras. Push your energy inside of me.

Alexander Kriech:

I do feel though, like, whenever I do mediumship, I do tend to feel like when I'm like really blending with spirits, I do feel them kind of coming in from behind. I do kind of get that feeling too. So but that's the only way I can kind of speak on that. So that's,

Lady Charmaine:

that's kind of all I can say on that as well. I do feel a lot in my back. When I'm working with clients, and so when I'm doing Reiki with clients, that seems to be when my channeling and mediumship opens up, but I do feel a little light in, in my back at that time as well. Yeah, and

Mx Zephy:

when kind of when I do it, it's like the side, like my side my back. Like, it's like it's never from the front. Like when I like when I when channel my mom and things like it's always from the back. And there's always like, I can feel their presence behind me and they they're never coming direct to me. And I'm like, I've always wondered why that is maybe that might tie into a little bit maybe or maybe I don't know maybe there's try to catch us off guard like surprise bitches. We're here.

Alexander Kriech:

No, I think there is some I wish I had was more of an expert on like, the actual energy channels, but I do feel like that receiving kind of energy from from my back. So I don't know what that is. But

Mx Zephy:

I mean, it makes sense too, thinking about your classes and when we do um, so for people who don't know, when we do the grounding exercises, Alex's classes we pull, we pull the energy from sorcerer through our crown, I actually no, not that I was actually pulling it through my soul chakra so I am a liar. So I have to actually change that a little bit. But anyway, they it goes through your back channel, and it goes exactly where your ground is for your back channel and it goes down. So I mean, for me, it's making sense at least in in my head. It's making sense.

Alexander Kriech:

Yeah, absolutely. No, I would, I would totally agree with that. There's something going on back there. So I just know it that's always worked for me. So.

Lady Charmaine:

So now going back to the other side. While we might feel off energetically if we have a chakra that is running high or running low. But did you want to touch on and I can I could definitely help in this area to touch on some of the physical symptoms. And again, we're not doctors, folks, right? We're just telling you the information we've been given through the wise people who have taught us so that there are actual physical symptoms to having a depleted chakra. So with the root chakra, I know it can have to do I mean, again, there's a lot of stuff that goes on in the lower region with a body so you've got you kidneys and kidney stones. Any type of constipation things that have to do with with bowel movements yet we just talked about it. We just Alright folks, we're. Okay.

Alexander Kriech:

Well, yeah, I mean like, right when when I have you to ground when when we do grounding exercises in class, we're eliminating energy from our flight from our space. That's literally like I'm like, yeah, that's poop like, I mean, yeah, there is a there is always like a physical component to everything. But I, you know, I would say circulation as well. And that constipation digestion can be second shock related to, and often it's not just one chakra, they're like, it's like interrelated with something else as well. But, so we kind of covered that with route, there's a lot of backing I think can can go on with with with Root Chakra, I would also say like, um, like fear, it has a lot of like, first chakra stuff, you know, so like, and or it's like, someone, let's say they're like, it's like, compulsive overeating, you know, to like, feel like they have to really get in their body into ground that could be like Root Chakra deficient, you know, it just can kind of run the gamut. second chakra, again, we kind of touched on digestion, but also like, addiction. Like if someone has like a lot of like addiction tendencies, I would probably look, I think that can be a lot of things too. But that can also be like really like, that can be second like second chakra, we could say, second chakra excessive, it could be something with the heart as well, too, could be something like love and not getting love and your training.

Lady Charmaine:

And I know as a cis female has a lot to do with exactly that the womb space and menstrual cycles, ovarian cysts, there's all kinds of things that can happen in that area with that as well. I lived a lot of that. It's kind of crazy how much more balanced I am now that I've had a hysterectomy.

Alexander Kriech:


Lady Charmaine:

Yeah. It was like night and day. Yeah. So um, yeah.

Mx Zephy:

No. Sorry, I keep Core i would say like, because core I associate fire and heat with that chakra. A lot. Like ulcers? Like a big one with that one.

Lady Charmaine:

Yeah, that's the first thing I think of is, is, well, not just ulcers, but I automatically think heartburn, like anything that has to do with like an acid reflux I have from the stomach that is, you know, all solar plexus. And it's good to have you have soothing foods for your tummy before bed.

Alexander Kriech:

In heart, I mean literally, it's like, the, like the organs associated with that, like the heart and the breasts as well, too. You know, so, I mean, that's like a very kind of easy.

Lady Charmaine:

And I and I think because it is, you know, the heart is, you know, this organ that you know, our blood touches our entire body and it really has to do with the immune system as well. So there's a lot of immune autoimmune deficiencies and things like that that can can pop up in that region.

Alexander Kriech:

throat I mean, literally anything involving like, throat voice anything I write. Oh, yeah, there we go. I was like there is some gland that I missing. Definitely.

Lady Charmaine:

Yeah, I writes a big one. Yes, spit lies. You know, like, karma will come back and, and getcha with your depleted throat chakra and weird thyroid issues. Or if you hold too much in like, that's the other thing is sometimes people don't realize that it's not just like, say, for the throat chakra, which is where we're at. It's not just about using your voice, but it's also the feelings that you don't voice. Mm. Oh, yeah. And you're holding on to that energy, that unvoiced energy that is tied into that.

Alexander Kriech:

Um, I've always had like, tons of sinus issues and stuff too. And I'm like, Oh, very interesting. I'm connected to third eye I'm still not sure how it's connected. But I I definitely and I have to say to you like there is a direct correlation with like, my like, intuitive stuff opening up like once I had sinus surgery, frankly, because I just had like, mucus like it's sorry, this is disgusting. But like mucus basically everywhere like under that had to be kind of pulled out. But, yeah, I just think, you know, it's not my sort of area of expertise. It's like the physical part. But we do my cohort actually. We talked about that a lot in the workshop that we did too. So I would say check that out. That was definitely her area of like, here's what happens, like when the chakra is not balanced.

Lady Charmaine:

So yeah, in the crown, you know that, you know, mental. Any type of mental issues, sleeping disorders. Yep. All of those things. And while you know, that's just the tip of the iceberg of things in could be there. I think it's really funny that we both had major imbalances in certain areas, and then had surgeries and then have now had great balance and relief.

Alexander Kriech:

Yeah, it was weird, because it was like, right, thinking back to it. It was right before I started taking psychic development classes myself, you know, and I think I'm sure it was always there. But I haven't had nearly the issues that I used to have, just because that was I don't know. And then I'll have people tell me to like, there's somebody in my life, it's always like, oh, because I think it's some like some Louise Hay book. It's like sinus problems is like you're irritated with people. And I'm like, that is true, but also, I think it's more I know, I'm easily irritated. But I it has to be more.

Mx Zephy:

Another point to think about, we're all talking about this, like the interplay between the different chakras, too, because they don't exist in a vacuum either. It's not like you have this one symptom here. And it just manifest here. I think. Also, like I was thinking when you're talking about the ship when you thought that that that that that that that that that throat chakra like that whole list thing of mine gets in the way sometimes speaking of throat um, but I'm thinking like that throat chakra and the things that are left unsaid I'm wondering like, how could that like impact like your sacral or even your root and like those feelings of instability and insecurity within yourself like that one not speaking here and having that undeveloped leaves the blockages in another one to or vice versa like opening one opens up others

Alexander Kriech:

we talked about like soul partners in like each chakra like having a partner that's often connected with like this the throat is often connected with sacral you know what I mean? Oh, well, again, like exactly like Yes, yeah, so like, like again like not voicing your emotions right? So there's I think it

Lady Charmaine:

Does it mean it's better if you moan

Alexander Kriech:

I think so just go for it. Just absolutely

Lady Charmaine:

be loud in the bedroom. That's what that's what I got right there.

Alexander Kriech:

Got it. Exactly. Screaming a rollercoaster scream while you're having an orgasm. It's all it's all.

Lady Charmaine:

Love it

Mx Zephy:

Throat and Sacral are Connected. What are the other ones? Do you know them offhand?

Alexander Kriech:

I don't know them offhand. I don't remember

Mx Zephy:

I will Google this because now I am curious.

Alexander Kriech:

I wish I could remember that was again, like my Miko words, but it was funded like to talk about because they are I remember like first and fifth. I think third First, I would assume like your route in your core seems like very intertwined. Like your core being your competence, your roofing, your security. You know, like, if say, like you were never, let's say in childhood, because like the root chakra has a lot to do. Like each chakra system we talked about in this workshop was like, it kind of talked about each stage of development. So like, root chakra is like infant Baby, you know what I mean? Like, did you get your physical needs met? Or were you like, you know, like, where those needs not met? Or like, do you kind of feel unstable? So then it might mean that like, you may not be able to take as good it's good to care of yourself later in life, or maybe you overcompensate for that. Second was like, kind of like more like toddler like feeling your way through the world. You know, that was really interesting. And then we talked about like, throat being a great school, like your connection with your peers, you know, your connection with other people. So, no, that was Middle School. grade school was was a heart chakra, where it's just like, your when you you know, we've all probably had horrifying experiences in middle school. Elementary School was a little bit easier. It's just like you're a little bit more open hearted elementary school. So anyway,

Mx Zephy:

that explains why I'm a cold hearted bitch now. Okay. Let me let me get back to that trauma.

Lady Charmaine:

elementary school were more likely to raise our hands and answer questions and by middle school were like, Don't look at me Don't call on me. Don't talk to me.

Alexander Kriech:

Exactly. Like I'd like gossiping. I want to fit in like, I just don't like Middle School being I feel like it's universally worse than high school. A lot of the time. Of course, that's not for everyone. But you know, and then High School is like your third eye. So it's like the when you kind of start to become a no at all. You think that you like no more than the teacher.

Lady Charmaine:

And you're like a sign. That's my 16 year old right now. Yeah.

Alexander Kriech:

Oh, really? Okay, fun. Yeah.

Mx Zephy:

Thats Me at every stage of life even now.

Alexander Kriech:

I feel like I've never grown out of that I'm just out all the time.

Mx Zephy:

Extra extra extra again I reiterate, I am extra everywhere.

Lady Charmaine:

Oh my gosh. Well, Alex, Where can the good folks of Misfit Mondays find you


so I'm all over the place. You can start with my website it's akriechintuitive.com and I'm sure it'll be in the show notes too because my last night when I picked my URL for my website, I was like my last name is easy to spell and it's not but it's a and then k ri e ch intuitive calm and again, you can just find that in the show notes. I'm on Facebook at a at Alexander Kriech intuitive. Same thing on on Instagram. I'm on YouTube as well. Where do like weekly kind of astrology and numerology forecasts on and I have a podcast. It's called clairvoyant conversations, you can check that out as well. So yeah, that's where you can find all my classes and sessions and if you want to get in touch with me.

Lady Charmaine:

Awesome. Well, thank you so much for your time today to talk about the chakras. And I'm not going to let everybody in on a secret but we will be hearing more from Alex this month. And I hope that you all meet us straight back here at Misfit Mondays, every Monday. Whether you like it or not.

Alexander Kriech:

Thank you for having me. You too. Oh, absolutely. Thank you for spending time with us on this week's Misfit Mondays. If you love what you hear, subscribe to new episodes and drop a review or connect with us on Patreon and Instagram. We're looking forward to catching you right here, next week. Thanks, folks.