Misfit Mondays

I Read For You!

February 01, 2021 Zephyr Williams & Charmaine Houck Season 1 Episode 16

Today we continue our never ending quest to savor Chakra Khan. And we again take a bit of a detour into woo woo territory. #sorrynotsorry. And we're actually going to give you a special treat of doing a reading live. So let's get channeling folks.

Joining us today is Alexander Kriech. Find him at akriechintuitive.com or on Youtube. Alexander is also on Facebook and Instagram at Alexander Kriech Intuitive. Be sure to chakra out his podcast, Clairvoyant Conversations.

Mx Zephy:

Lady Charmaine, are you sure this Shadow Work is light work? It looks questionable to me.

Lady Charmaine:

It's fine Mx Zephy.

Mx Zephy:

But what about toxic light work?

Lady Charmaine:

Uggh, just grab a warm beverage and settle in

Mx Zephy:

End scene! Just misfits

Lady Charmaine:

Hello beautiful misfits! Are you fed up with the good vibes only crowd?

Mx Zephy:

People telling you where to go and how to be present?

Lady Charmaine:

Afraid to make your own choices and free to be you?

Mx Zephy:

Feeling just trapped?

Lady Charmaine:

Us to.Join us as we turn the light out on spirituality and get comfortable with the shadows right now, with Misfit Mondays.

Mx Zephy:

Hello beautiful people! Welcome back to Misfit Mondays. Mx Zephy is here, that would be me. Pronouns xe | xem. And Charmaine Houck, she | hers with our special guest yet again, Alex Kriech pronouns he him. Today we continue our never ending quest to savor Chakra Khan. And we again take a bit of a detour into woo woo territory. Hashtag sorry, not sorry. And we're actually going to give you a special treat of doing a reading live. So let's get channeling folks. So the reason why we kind of asked Alex to talk about chakras with us and do energy work and talk about boundaries, and all these things is because Alex does this really great psychic development class, I think I've heard him also talk about his intuitive development course, is a very specialized course. I really love it because there's breeding the Alex does called rose reading. And with this type of reading, the reader uses a visualization of a rose to take a peek at someone's energy to see what's going on. It's like taking a car into an auto shop for diagnosis and repair. And so with with the rose reading, the reader kind of looks for information on the characteristics of the rose itself, like stem size and color, might take a peek on the inside. And just kind of notice what energy the rose is bringing. Why a rose you might be asking? That's a good question. And Alex I think given that this is your expertise, not mine, I'm going to shut the fuck up.

Alexander Kriech:

Good job. It's just a visual metaphor. And it's it you know, I didn't make this up. I didn't make up this technique. This was originally Oh, that's my cat. Sorry. He's been very vocal now. Okay. Um, it was originally developed at Berkeley Psychic Institute in the 70s by someone named Louis Bostwick it just it's like a super kind of combination of a lot of stuff. But in essence, when I connect to someone, and I'm not even sure I really need to do the rose reading anymore, but it's just so ingrained in me that I like I have to do it every time it's like a warm up before I do the actual reading. So I'll close my eyes, I'll kind of state my intention, I'll kind of get centered and connect and call on my guides. And I will have whoever I'm reading, say their full name three times, if they're there to say it. Like if I'm doing something over Instagram or whatever, we'll just I'll just say the name three times. And by the third time, I start seeing, usually a rose kind of in my, in my inner eye, right. And so depending on what this rose is doing, and what the rose looks like, is kind of the message I need to give to my client. It's like a peek at their energy just like you described. So let's say I bring through a think, I connect to you, and I bring through your rose. And it's like really, like I've seen where like the petals are falling, and it looks like the scene from Beauty and the Beast. And I was like, oh, there's a breakup, like this is relationships, like you just kind of know. And it's just a way for me to when I connect that like visual interface to start my other clair's kind of start to turn on. So I might get that clairknowing I might, you know, occasionally hear like, oh, like all my gear like sad. Oh my God, this person is really sad. Or, or whatever, right? Um, sometimes it's also like, I might not even see a rose at all. Again, I talked about on the previous episode, like I might see like a Red Tornado that that metaphor means instability. To me it meant like moving from place to place. And sometimes the images don't really make any sense. But I know what they mean. Like, I might be like, oh, a yellow blob. It means this or whatever, right? But it's just a way for me to, for my brain. My third eye to kind of configure this energy that I'm sensing into visuals is basically kind of what I'm doing here. So

Lady Charmaine:

I love it. I've enjoyed learning about it. I've enjoyed practicing rose readings for other people. And it's not something that I would say necessarily comes Naturally, to me, and for the first I don't even know, first four or five classes, when I would try, it was nothing. I saw nothing. I saw blackness, you know, maybe specks of color, which actually is odd because usually when I'm doing readings, I get a lot of information. I was like, Why on earth can I not get anything? Um, but now as time has progressed, I have got, you know, it's moved up from splashes of color. And now I'm actually starting to see you, the rose the leaves the thorns. And as I ask, and I get better at asking and saying, you know, I want to see this show me more of this, please. You know, and speaking with my guides, rather than just thinking it's going to show up on a rose waiting now just put it all up there, they're gonna, you know, hope they're not playing Pictionary with me. Like, I have to ask the questions and be, you know, and really asked for the clarity that I'm looking for. And then it's like, oh, here you go. Here's the leaf for you.

Alexander Kriech:

Right, totally.

Lady Charmaine:

So, I know that we're excited for you to read live. And I know that Zephy had a birthday recently, and has had, like, a chaotic week

Mx Zephy:

I would at least have like, it's the least it's the most polite word you could put right there.

Lady Charmaine:

Right, right. So I think that you should read Zeph, live. Okay. So.

Alexander Kriech:

All right. So, the one thing I do want to say too, is like, when I start to do reading, like, it's all gonna come through, so like, you know, but by that, I mean, like, it does, it does get kind of personal sometimes without even really knowing. It's like, sometimes, you know, like, sometimes you can just kind of hit on something and you're like, Oh, I didn't know that was so personal. But like, you just kind of, it's just for me, a rose reading is just like kind of trusting that the messages that the person needs to hear is gonna come through. So I do want to see that first. So, okay.

Lady Charmaine:

Zeph, do you consent? We talked about me in a previous episode.

Mx Zephy:

I mean, all our listeners have heard me cry. Okay.

Lady Charmaine:

Yeah, they know we've all been hoes. Okay. Yeah, they're good.

Alexander Kriech:

Okay, yeah. So consent obviously is important. Okay, so let me just go ahead and get quiet really quick. Okay, I just like to state my intention. So I just ask that you get all the clarity, insight, healing and knowledge that you need from this reading. That I call forth our the eye we connect to source in the divine and that only the highest energies of light and love are allowed through that all the information is for your highest good and the highest good of all, I call forwarder guides, angels higher self archangels the Ascended Masters, your well ancestors and passed over loved ones. I think I'm good to go. Um, so whenever you're ready, go ahead and see your full name three times, please.

Mx Zephy:

Zephyr Williams. Zephyr Williams. Zephyr Williams.

Alexander Kriech:

Okay, your rose is gold in there's like this little propeller on top. And the first feeling I get from the rows, I kind of feel. And I feel like I just read you too. But I kind of get a feeling of like the need to slow down. I kind of feel like a message from your guides, like they need to slow down because like the propeller to me is like you're like just taking off like Whoo. So, um, hold on, let me keep connecting one second. I kind of feel like this gold. When I asked what this gold is on your rose, it feels like you're kind of connecting to I almost feel like you have had some sort of like, download as to what your your purpose is or like more of a connection to your higher self. And I just feel like this excitement with this connection to that like a It's like I see like a connection to almost like your soul DNA, like really kind of feeling as to what that is. I feel like you're vibrating very high right now. But I kind of feel like from your guides, like, it's like they're trying to tether you down to earth, basically, I really kind of feel and I see I see like the moon above you now. I feel like this. So you're a Sagittarius in the middle, having a birthday in the middle of a Sagittarius Eclipse season. So I do feel like your energy is going to be kind of I would really, really, really practice grounding. And make sure making sure that you're really kind of centering your energy. Because during this like little Eclipse season, there's an eclipse coming up on the 14th I really want to say that your energy just feels very light, like, expansive and excited. But they're really saying make sure that you're like centering and like taking care of your physical body needs. Okay, hold on, let me see what else is going on. So show me the you're on when I look at your rose. It is like really, it looks really open. Like the blossom itself looks very open. It looks like very open to receiving information. And I just kind of feel like a lot of it's funny because every time I say the word download, I feel like I'm like I laugh at like spiritual cliches and like, I use the word download again. Oh my God, what a dork, but I feel like it's a lot of crown chakra stuff going on for you. By that I mean, they just feel like you're getting a lot of information right into your crown chakra. Okay. So let me look at your, your like the let me look at your stem and look at the rest of the rose. I think you need more rest than you think you do. It's kind of what's coming to me. Because when I look at your grounding, like when I look at your stem on your rows, and I do tend to see grounding or your foundation when I when I looked at your stem, it looks a little like Gunky. Like it looks a little like this. Obviously, you know, people can't people looking or people listening to this can't see what I'm doing. But it's just kind of this like

Mx Zephy:

Wacky wavy inflatable arm man.

Alexander Kriech:

Yes, yes, that's what it kind of feels like. And I just kind of get this like super hyperactive energy. But your guides are saying like, you really kind of need to sit, I think with the information and the energy that you are getting and like let it kind of integrate into your space. But I just see like a lot of like, I just see like needing to rest and just kind of be still and be really calm. And I feel like dreams like Dreamspace feel quite vivid as well. I think there's information that's coming in for you there to let me look what else is coming in. Look at your creativity leaves and see what you're out there creating. Wow, okay, hold on. There's a really big leaf, there's really big creativity leaf on your rose. And interestingly enough, I feel like it's work and career. Um, there's something about working career for you where it feels. I feel like some there's some kind of work in career transition, as we go into, it feels like it is more into 2022 perhaps it's like, I get 2021 2022. But it feels further off and then feels like 2022. It feels like something sprouting off of your rose. Like it's something you're creating. I don't really know what that means, necessarily. But it just feels like some sort of perhaps work and career transition that comes in for you. Let me see if there's anything else let me go into your. Do you want me to look at your chakras at all?

Mx Zephy:

Sure, let's do it.

Alexander Kriech:

Okay. And also, by the way, does what I'm saying any that makes sense to you?

Mx Zephy:

Oh, I'm gonna I'm gonna like I'm going to provide some clarity after all this because I think that validation is kind of necessary for people too.

Alexander Kriech:

Okay, okay, thank you. Um, let me go into your chakras space. so heart really comes up for me Heart Chakra really comes up for me. I first thought it was the core and I was like, no It's too emotional to be the core chakra, it really feels like heart chakra. What's going on with your heart chakra really feels like some heart opening stuff is going on for you, and I'm not sure what's going on. But when I your heart comes up, and it looks like it like opens and like all this, like confetti is like coming out. And it just feels kind of raw, but it feels like some sort of raw heart opening kind of thing. My feeling is that your energy really kind of settles down. When I go into early 2021. Like, I kind of feel like you're in this like very late, like raw energetic thing going on. But I feel like we go into 2021 it just feels like your energy is much more. I just feel like there's some kind of grounding that comes in for you. And again, like I I you know, it's funny, I did a little reading for you on Instagram the other day feel relationships too, and 2021 as well because they see someone else there with you. That feels like they actually might have a grounding influence on you, too. Okay. I see there's anything else? I mean, ask it. Maybe there's a guide or something that's working with you may ask about that. All right, so when I asked like if there's a spirit guide, I mean, we always have spirit guides with us, obviously. But I'm like, which one is like the most relevant to you right now. I see this. I see like the man with a beard. And they're like, it almost feels like I would find them in like movie Aladdin or something like it. It gives me this kind of like that kind of vibe. Let me ask what this guide helps you with. This guide is here to help you with I think it is related to your heart chakra. It's like I heard granting wishes. And it feels like it's sort of this guide is here working with you on manifesting like if Heart Chakra is more relationships, to me, that's the kind of vibe it just feels like they're here to help you manifest kind of like manifest what you want as it relates to the heart chakra like manifesting your heart's desire. Really, I think it's like, it's as simple as that. And I feel like you have a connection to to show me what we're talking about. What are you talking? I feel like this lifetime is about being really open with your heart. Because I feel like in other lifetimes, you've had a lot of secrets. That's kind of what I'm feeling. Like feels like a lot of secrets, keeping a lot of things hidden. It's like keeping your treasures hidden away. And I feel like this is about you being really, really open with your heart. But that's what I get for you. Do you want to like ask a question or anything? Or do you want me to kind of wrap it up?

Mx Zephy:

Ummm, I don't have any questions. You can wrap it up. I think that's quite a bit. I super appreciate that.

Alexander Kriech:

You're welcome. I was never I always think it's never enough. I'm like, Oh my god, what else do you want to know? Like, did I do it? Okay. So, okay. So let me just separate from you. Okay, one second. Yeah. All right. I am good. Okay, cool.

Mx Zephy:

So I'm gonna read you a text that I sent Charmaine at


15pm this afternoon. Okay, um, so and I am realizing what is happening me this week I'm exhausted for other reasons. I'm moving into my healing self permanently embracing a side of me that sees with discernment the great in between, and clarity with finding the sparkles of light within

Alexander Kriech:

Oh, cool

Mx Zephy:

let's just put that framework around like pretty much everything you just said. Because it's like that connecting download and soul DNA thing. Like I like I've been on multiple things where it's like my soul purpose right now. It will my sole purpose to this lifetime or in general is the space of healing and this space, like I say spaces connect a lot when I talk about space of connect. It's really about how do you connect yourself to like your highest self like where's that where's that connect? Where's the pleasure and joy and all that? That vibrating high like that flow we've been at like and I know I need to rest. I I feel it like now that you said it. I feel it because I've been exhausted. This week, I actually got up at 3am this morning and started working because I couldn't sleep. And I've literally been up for almost 20 hours now, um, and it and it's been a lot of receiving information because this week has been a lot of lucid dreaming. Like, I know that I'm exactly doing it started like a dream journal. So I was like, Holy fuck, how is this? Why are you in my dream? what's what's happening? And it's like, I know, I'm dreaming. And I'm like, Alright, guess this is what's

Alexander Kriech:

your dream space just looked really crazy. It was like something going on with that. Yeah.

Mx Zephy:

And you're right about grand grounding, because you know, in full, full transparency, I have not done any grounding at all this week, because everything is really fucking chaotic. And I haven't had a chance to breathe. I mean, I've done a little bit of like yoga, but there hasn't been any grounding with that. And which is why this morning like I actually channeled my mother in a yoga practice this morning without intending on it. I actually just started spouting words out of my mouth. And like, this is not my what is happening here. But I did not ask to be channeling anything. This is what's happening. And i texted Charmaine Like I think I'm telling my mother right now, I don't know what's happening. I didn't ask for her to show up. She just like decided to start Burling out of my fucking mouth. And I'm like, so like, this whole grounding thing makes sense. Because when I don't ground, that's the kind of shit that happens. I just connect to things that I probably shouldn't really be connecting to at that moment. Um, and that sprouting and creating so I really want to mention this, I think this is beautiful. So my life's work. Like the work I do now with like advocacy, like I work in prison abolition spaces. And where I'm going after this is actually tied into the work that I'm building now. So that sprouting piece off of me taking the lessons I've learned in this workspace now and building that into a life brand.

Alexander Kriech:

Cool. Awesome. That's where the creative piece comes in. Yeah, it's I was like, over creating something with working career. I just was like, your bit, you're making it like you're creating it. So

Mx Zephy:

there's Yeah, and it's all coming up, like Charmaine and I have like, planned to talk about curriculum and other things. But yeah, there's a lot. There's a lot of what I do is like community building, and it's a lot of making things that are inaccessible, accessible to people, which is why this like, woowoo, spiritual, like side of things is the next step. Because here's what I yeah, there's just a lot there, where it's like, I can connect, like the community work I'm doing with that spiritual side of things and bring in a lot of people. I think that Trans and Queer people in particular, are especially like, open to like spirituality and things like this. And it's like, Can I get you grounded in like a community foundation first, because if I can get you grounded in Community Foundation, then we can build you into that, like higher level channeling things and teach you how to do all those things and do it safely do it responsibly, and do it in a way that works for you. Absolutely, I think that's, um, I think those Oh, the man with the beard and Aladdin. So I was kind of already tapped into your energy, like, I was trying not to, like, peep into it, but like it just kept happening. I'm like, Fuck, me like, this means I needed grounds a little bit more. But like, the thing I got was like masc balance, because I think I've been really in touch with my femme side lately. And so for me, like the word that popped in my head was masc balance.

Alexander Kriech:

Well, yeah, it definitely felt it's funny I got this picture at the end that like it did feel a little bit more masculine and I was like, that's interesting. Like it I don't know. That's cool. Yeah,

Mx Zephy:

I had to like rein back I was like don't dip then don't dip bed don't fit bed don't like I'm like trying to tap myself into not like doing it because I've had that problem where literally people are reading and especially if I'm not grounded in my like, my energetic space, it's like let's go dip into what they're doing. Because we know they're here. Let's go open that door because we know somebody there let's go have a conversation. Like Do not be friendly with people. Mind your manners. Right?

Alexander Kriech:

Yeah, and just and just like let yourself receive and just relax that moment right? Oh,

Lady Charmaine:

well that was beautiful. I certainly loved hearing about all of the the work change and stuff just because he that's conversations that we have continuously about our you know, our future plans and like I said in previous episodes, we are both Sagittarius and were a little bit on that gold digger side of life we're always working for there for something but the big part of that is that in the work that we do we're also really focused on building community so we're really trying to help the the greater good the greater consciousness of of the planet and and helping raise others to see new potentials new levels that they don't even know that they have that capability yet or don't believe that they have that capability yet, so we're ready to knock down limit limiting beliefs like Jackie Chan, or or Chuck Norris and and we are going to Mortal Kombat that shit and Finnish them.

Mx Zephy:

Like Alex like, I think this is why I'm so drawn to your classes because you're doing the you're doing so much of what we're trying to do in a way. Like it may not be Exactly, but that framework is there. And I think that's what resonates with me and what drew me to you because I think, Charmaine, like sent it to me. And I literally thought you were closing things. I was like, hey, by the way, Hey, dude, I just met you, and you don't know me. And I'm kind of crazy and chaotic. But do areyour classes still open? Because it was like,

Alexander Kriech:

Yeah, come aboard. This like lovely spaceship and just joined this, like weird little

Mx Zephy:

resonates. And it was like, it just felt like an energetic fit for me. And you know, and I really appreciate this, like, I appreciate the time you've spent with us over the last month, to kind of like, share your knowledge and your expertise and your energy cuz I knew that that can always be draining. And I'm always thankful and appreciate and be like, sharing space with people in that way.

Alexander Kriech:

Im also appreciative to like thank you so much. It's been I mean, you don't have to tell me twice, like, oh, four episodes about me???? Okkkk

Lady Charmaine:

Hey. You know, we like to not look a gift horse in the mouth. And we also like to, to give and receive energetically with balance. And we've both been taking your classes receiving a lot of your energy in those ways. And while you are putting your energy into this, we really hope that others can hear about what you're doing and providing and, and come find you and help you build your business as well. And that's all about community building. Yeah. Awesome. All of our boats rise as the water rises, right?

Alexander Kriech:

That's right. That's right. Yep, absolutely. Today,

Mx Zephy:

Amen, I'm gonna stop using amen and just start using namaste.

Alexander Kriech:

My, the inner Lutheran in me is I was like, amen. And I'm like, you know, maybe like, because of course, I grew up in Iowa, like conservative Lutheran, you know, upbringing, so there's always like hot dishes and

Lady Charmaine:

Nothing like a good hot dish.

Alexander Kriech:

I'll take it to your casserole still.

Lady Charmaine:

I make I make a bitch and tater tot casserole.

Alexander Kriech:

Excellent. Yeah.

Mx Zephy:

I have no idea what a hot dishes so I

Lady Charmaine:

Oh, honey. If you come visit, I'll make you some tater tot casserole.

Alexander Kriech:

You can just make magic cream of mushroom soup. Basically.

Lady Charmaine:

I'll send you my recipe. It is not as healthy as the food you eat. Guarantee that.

Alexander Kriech:

I like I was having this internal conversation and I was like airfryer where's the oil? Are you crying? I want fried. So I'm not that. So anyway. Anyway,

Lady Charmaine:

I haven't figured out air fryers yet either. So I don't understand it.

Alexander Kriech:

No shade to anyone who loves them. But I'm like, you know, like, no, let's let's bring let's bring some fat to the party. But anyway, so

Mx Zephy:

I'm Southern and that is I'm Southern and air fires are like a form of oppression. Like you cannot fucking fire food in an air fryer. We need grease. We need butter we need like all the things.

Alexander Kriech:

Yeah. Come on

Lady Charmaine:

the flavors in the grease. When those little crumbs that you pull out later.

Alexander Kriech:

Wait, that's why as a child I was probably I was definitely fluffy as a child because I like my grandma would save me like the bits in the frying chicken pan and I would eat them. And I'm like, well face enough that I've never quite grown out of it. The best bits though. exactly the best bits. fats and salts. Yeah. Mmm hmm. Well, thank

Lady Charmaine:

you for sharing all your best bits with us.

Alexander Kriech:

Good transition

Mx Zephy:

We're not gonna do another just the tip joke.

Alexander Kriech:

Well, thank you so much for having me on. This is a pleasure. And thanks for all the work that you're doing. And I just was like, Oh, hell yes. And doing this podcast? Absolutely. The Super queer super fun podcast. I don't think I've done like, I haven't done I don't know, like enough, like queer stuff, if that makes sense. Like, you know, I want to, I think maybe bring that more into my work do like it's obviously out there for everyone to see this as they open my mouth. Like, you know, like, there's some rainbow energy to this one, you know. But I super appreciate all the work that you two are doing

Lady Charmaine:

Thank so much. To everyone out there. Just one more time. Alex, how can people reach you on Instagram because that's where all the good stuff is anyway.

Alexander Kriech:

I'm on Instagram is@alexanderkriechintuitive. You'll see my little logo with my spaceship and my numbers and the planets around me. I'm on YouTube as well. Same as AlexanderKriechintuitive Facebook, my website akriech@gmail.com. I have some online classes as well. And then you know I always have stuff coming down the pipeline. so wonderful. Well

Lady Charmaine:

thank you so much for helping us ring in the new year. This was a spin fantastic and we wish you all the best. For the rest of the year. Of course we'll stay in touch. And for the rest of you out there in misfit land, we love you, we appreciate you and we'll see you back here, right here. Same bad time, same bad place wherever you like to hear us Misfit Mondays.

Mx Zephy:

Thank you for spending time with us in this week's Misfit Mondays. If you love what you hear, subscribe to new episodes and drop a review or connect with us on Patreon and Instagram. We're looking forward to catching you right here next week. Thanks, folks.