Misfit Mondays

Earth to Intuitive

January 25, 2021 Zephyr Williams & Charmaine Houck Season 1 Episode 15

Today, we continue our never-ending quest to savor Chakra Khan. We wander back into ourselves and chat through boundary setting when working with energy.  Let’s get channeling folks!

Joining us today is Alexander Kriech. Find him at akriechintuitive.com or on Youtube. Alexander is also on Facebook and Instagram at Alexander Kriech Intuitive. Be sure to chakra out his podcast, Clairvoyant Conversations.

Mx Zephy:

Lady Charmaine, are you sure this Shadow Work is light work? It looks questionable to me.

Lady Charmaine:

It's fine Mx Zephy.

Mx Zephy:

But what about toxic light work?

Lady Charmaine:

Ughhh, just grab a warm beverage and settle in.

Mx Zephy:

End scene! Just misfits

Lady Charmaine:

Hello beautiful misfits! Are you fed up with the good vibes only crowd?

Mx Zephy:

People telling you where to go and how to be present?

Lady Charmaine:

Afraid to make your own choices and free to be you?

Mx Zephy:

Feeling just trapped?

Lady Charmaine:

Us too! Join us as we turn the light out on spirituality and get comfortable with the shadows right now, with Misfit Mondays.

Mx Zephy:

Hello beautiful people! Mx Zephy here pronoun xe| xem and with me is Lady Charmaine as always pronouns are she hers. And yet again, we have our special invited guest, Alex Kreich, pronouns are he | him, he's been joining us on this wonderful channeling journey over the past couple of weeks, and we're so thrilled to continue having him with us. And today, we actually continue with that never ending quest to savor Chakra Khan. We wander a little bit back into ourselves in the last week got a little woowoo. But we're going to chat through some boundary setting when working with energy. So let's get channeling folks. And I know that you know, I don't think I've talked with you all about this maybe a little bit. But I was terrified to tap into energy work for a very long time, I still have a lot of reservations about it. Because again, it's like it's the harm. I think that's the piece that's always in sticking with things like what harm would I do if I engage without an understanding of it? I had it have it so happens a little bit where I actually tap into somebody else's channel, where I will literally be reading exactly what they're seeing and things like that. It's almost like I've stepped into their energetic space. And it's almost like I'm experienced in real time. And I'm also working, you know, with somebody else who does mentorship. Like Alex, your class has been great, but I'm also working with somebody named Jordan hope Miller, wonderful spiritual mentor. I love this. I love this person to absolute fucking pieces. And Jordan is incredible. So follow him on IG I think is Jordan. Hope Miller Oracle. And Jordan, I had a conversation recently about um, that really changed the channel for me. Ha, just kidding. All right, never mind. But anyways, Jordan kind of explained that work when you work in like in the astral plane. And like all these like other energetic spaces, the veil between boundaries is really, really thin. So tapping into those injuries, energies is bound to happen. And so he kind of he kind of framed energy work as flipping through channels on television, like sometimes things catch your eyes and you get a little distracted. Yeah, and energy boundaries are like flexible, but we also know there's like, ethical practices to engage in. And that's kind of where I want to go these like, I guess their ethical practice. I don't really know. Like, can it like, is it ethical when we're like working in the spiritual realm when we're actually like Adams physical space and into like, a woowoo space like I don't even know? Is that even the right word? Can we come up with a new word? If not,

Alexander Kriech:

okay. Yes, I mean, I, I think it's like kind of our birthright to be working in that space anyway. But I do. Like, if you're working, like, if you're connecting to someone else, they might always have their permission, for sure. I would say like, you know, if a client comes to me, and they're, like, have a question about our like, relationship, you're gonna mean or, like, does this person how they feel about me, like, I have no problem, like tapping into that. But like, I don't know, if they're, like, if they're, like, well, are the what I just know, like, when it starts to get a little weird, and like an invasion of their privacy, because I have no problem being like, this is I feel like this person feels about you. And this is this kind of what spirit is giving me but like, that's about it. Like, it's, it doesn't really go that much. doesn't go deeper than that, because I always ask for the information that it's relevant and okay for that person to know. You know what I mean? So, but I, you know, like, the days when I first started doing readings, I like I was on like, I was on like, a psychic line, you know, so like, you would get all sorts of weird questions and like, it was just like, I was like, Well, I'm way too green to be doing this right. But it was, you know, it just I don't. My forte necessarily isn't even like relationships my forte tends to be like your purpose your path career money. I love those questions. I don't know if it's like my Earth, like Taurus energy that like loves answering questions about like investments and like money and career and what you're going to do and like what's coming up and all that but i think they're, you know, I definitely think strong ethical boundaries is a very healthy thing and you should be doing that before you'd be doing any any kind of energy reading or any kind of energy work. It's definitely strong nview

Mx Zephy:

that money thing is like a Taurus thing, because I mean, even then, like, yeah, Pentacles coins in the Tarot deck, like that's very grounding energy to

Alexander Kriech:

Yep, absolutely. Absolutely. I don't know what it is about it. I just made it because I have like money. I've had I've had some stuff around, sorry, once I get some stuff around money, but I, those are just my favorite things to do. Because it's less feelings. You don't I mean, I'm like, because I'm not a therapist, like, I want to talk about what I see your energy, what I see coming up for you how you can best access those experiences and like, get you kind of on the path that's of like, least resistance, like the most joyful for you, you know? So but I also like, I just don't, I just don't hold back. Really, when someone asked me about relationship, like, you know, usually I kind of know right away, like, I'm like, spirit feels like, I feel like you should just, I don't know, I feel like this person feels like baggage. I literally did a reading before I was jumped on this, this this podcast with you two. Like that was like it was all about this relationship. And that was like from the beginning. I was like, I don't know, you know, this person I feel someone else coming in. You know, but you have to make that that you have to make that decision.

Lady Charmaine:

Right? Well, I, I do believe in, in energethics. That's what I'm going to call it now. energethics.

Alexander Kriech:

That's a good word for it.

Lady Charmaine:

Alright, so energy ethics, energethics, I do believe in and that's because I also believe in ethical non monogamy. I believe in the ethics of owning a business and doing this work for a fee that there are certain ethics that I have to abide to by law, as someone who does any type of hands on work, you know, massage therapists have to go by a code of ethics, I also go by a code of ethics for the work that I do when I'm laying on hands for Reiki. And, and I do believe in an energethics because there are certain things that are not meant for people to know. And I know we talked a little bit this is going to get a little off topic. But we we had a session on the our akashic records. And there's reasons why we can't go into our own records. Right. Right. Right. I have a guard by mine, thank you very much. I was one of those people. I was naughty at some point. And there are certain things and well, I'm more than happy to talk about relationships and relations who have passed, you know, whatever comes through for me, I do always say, this is what I'm feeling. However, you have your own intuition. And you know, choice, your own choices. I don't make your choices. It's a great point. And there's no while there might be certain finite places in our timelines, I don't know for sure. There might not. But in all other aspects, having you know, souls having a human experience, we have freewill, we can always change our reality change our minds. We can always change so nothing is finite In that sense. Speak for yourself.

Alexander Kriech:

Were you aware of your sorry. That's okay. That one over there. I think being aware of your own filters, as an intuitive as well as huge, because, like, so if I'm bringing through information, then I'm like, Oh, my God, Donald Trump is our Savior. And that's because my guides told me that I'm like, Huh, I don't know about that, you know, there might be something, because I this is a little off topic too. But I've just noticed a lot of you just really have to be vigilant about your own beliefs in your own filter is getting in the way of intuitive information as well. Like if you are like, run, like if you're kind of looking at your own stuff when you're reading somebody or when you're bringing through information from somebody, let's say you had a bad experience like with I don't know with relationships and like you're kind of running that information when your client asks relationship question like you really want to be as neutral as possible and as ethical as possible and be like this is again, this is what I'm feeling this is what I'm getting. And you know, I would say it's like it's like you don't want to read from your own pictures, your own information and get stuck in that if that makes sense.

Lady Charmaine:

Oh, snap, snap, snap.

Mx Zephy:

I'll let you know when I get to that because right now it's just so much fucking like information is coming. I'm like, What can I grab right now to give to you because right now I'm just trying to collect right? If you don't have time to think about this as a filter,

Alexander Kriech:

yeah, I just put like, you can kind of sense it though, when you're like kind of going off into because the line between intuition and like your own mind is kind of thin, right? And you really start to become aware, the more you do it, of course, where that line is, and like, where I'm talking to you is like, you know, where I'm like, this is what I believe. And I'm like, I don't know what I believe may not be relevant to this. I want to ask spirit that question. So, yeah. Anyway, very well said.

Lady Charmaine:

And, and while we want to remain neutral, we want to remain grounded when we're doing this work. And so I've always, you know, depends on, it depends on what camp you come from, we all have different ways of doing grounding. I've, I've never done grounding exactly in the way that that you teach. And now, it's like, oh, this is fun. Like, Why wasn't I grounding like this, just because you know, that everyone kind of has their thing or their way. And so, when it comes to being grounded, and I'm gonna, I'm gonna kind of, we're gonna have a Venn diagram here. Now. Imagine, if you will, we have our circle of ethics. And we have our circle of grounding. And then we have this, this middle ground, is where I'm going to put any type of I don't know, what do I say? Low energetic habit. or addiction. I, I'm an alcoholic, I've talked about it before, I've got a drinking problem have had one most of my life. And when I really got serious about doing energy work, at a certain point in my own healing journey, it It literally was like, for me, it was like I got a message from spirit is like, this is your choice. But it's, it's now or never, it's either all or nothing. It's either you stop now. And, and your body cleans the toxins out and you can have this or, like, it's just not going to happen for you. And I made that choice. Which for me, and I and I've spoken on this before, it has been a much easier path than many people who struggle with addiction. So I'm not here to say that addiction is easy, or, or that there aren't going to be fallbacks. Who knows, you know, I'm still in my first year of sobriety. So lots of life left to happen here. But I do know, even on an ethical side of, you know, when you're a massage therapist, when you're an energy worker, you should not have, you know, residual alcohol, drugs, etc, in your system. Because it does affect the energy in which you're able to give receive. And, and so what, what do you know, on this, because for me, I've noticed that my healing has gotten my personal healing, the energy healing work that I do has, has increased exponentially as I have healed my body and created a, you know, a toxin free environment, both in removing habits, eating healthier, you know, those types of things. What has your experience then with staying grounded and staying away from toxins during times of energy work?

Alexander Kriech:

Um, I definitely think thanks for sharing that with us too. Like, I, I didn't know that about you. I think that's pretty cool. pretty brave to share. And like, I've been pretty lucky that I don't really have that many addictive tendencies, necessarily. Like, like, alcohols is always like, two drinks, and I get a hangover for the most part, you know, like, I like wine. I like having a cocktail. But like, if I have readings and stuff, the next day five energy work. It's maybe one if that, you know what I mean? And it's not every day, it might be like, I had a cider last night and I was like, cool, I'm good. I'm good. Like, I know, I usually, you know, like, I just, it honestly just kind of ruins my productivity and like my like connection. It's like, I can't really connect if I have like more than one the night before, like the next day. It's just, it's Just harder like it's there, but it definitely weakens the aura, like lowers your vibration a little bit. And that's not like a moral failing it just like is So, um, but yeah, and I, I've noticed like heavier foods just tend to kind of like, while you I do need some kind of grounding in the foods that I eat like, you know, whether that's like root vegetables or meats or whatever you eat like I need some kind of food that's not too heavy, but it's it's like, substantial enough that I feel good in my body and for me, yeah, it's like everything kind of in moderation, nothing on the day of for sure. You know, like that being said, if I'm just like, you know, hanging out with like, my best homie and I'm like, oh my goodness of wine and like, maybe pull out like the Tarot deck, you know what I mean? Like, I think something like that is, it's fine just because it's, you know, but I will notice I, when I actually first kind of started getting into psychic development, I remember like hanging out with, you know, as I was in my 20s, and hanging with other people in our 20s and just like having some wine and whatever, and I was like, let's do Tarot. And this is numerology. And I noticed like, I started getting stuff that I wasn't that I didn't know, necessarily, and I was like, it was like, my filters were way more open, but you're way more vulnerable to like, other stuff coming in. I guess. So. But basically, yeah, that's Yeah, I but I, but

Mx Zephy:

yeah, I've had that experience. It's like other stuff coming in and attaching to you and your You got it. Yeah. And it's not real fuck with your head on it. Actually. fun part. I don't I have not told either one of y'all this but like, since we've been doing that grounding exercise in your class. My grounding. It shows up as like Mother Earth. Like I see her as like a character from Moana like, and it's not even I see her I

Alexander Kriech:


Mx Zephy:

totally. And I know that if I've had too much to drink the night before. Like when I do that grounding exercise. There's like this tree thing where she just goes in and shuts the fucking door and she won't even let me ground like, it's like you're not even allowed to do this shit like back the fuck up like getting the hell out of here. Like I don't have time for shit like to drink chilled water. You got shit in your system. We're not doing this. And it's almost like my check for me because when I do ground it, actually, I love this because like, when I do ground, it's like a tree trunk that comes down. And I'll even see that there's like cracks in this trunk and things like that. Like, when I have too much shit my system like one is fine. But even then, like it has to be one from like, the night the night before to be at least like 12 hours out the hell out of my system. But if I try to do it, like drink something and then go do it. I won't even do with Taro tnow either because there's something I mean Tarot where it's a whole other. Tarotr for me is like channeling and it's heavy channel. Yeah.

Alexander Kriech:

I think you probably have some specific contract with Tarot. I would think that I don't have because like Tarot was the one thing where I'm like not my specialty will occasionally pull it out. If I feel like I'm like, I might need to clarify what I'm getting here. But no, I definitely don't have that super energetic and you should have seen like this week, twice this week.

Mx Zephy:

I was like, let me pull this card out. You know, whatever will be good. I've been doing this like the self love Tarot challenge and a card come out. I'm like, Oh, this makes no sense. This isn't right now whatever. And I'd like I put it down and I come back that next night. I'm like shuffle like that same night. I'm shuffling. I'm like, you know what, let's try this again. And it didn't and the same card came up and not always the same card. But this was a question about like, what I don't remember exactly what it was, but it also tied into the first card I pulled up for this entire challenge. And that was the next card there was actually the next one to be pulled. So they were connected. And I was like, Are you fucking shitting me like, get out of my head like leave me the hell alone. It's happened twice this week. And I'm like, fuck it. You know? The message you want then great. I will take it

Alexander Kriech:

Yeah. Yeah, there's

Mx Zephy:

nothing down to anymore.

Alexander Kriech:

That's it. That's that's interesting stuff to like, you know, trust that you get whatever comes down the Tarot deck, you know?

Mx Zephy:

Yeah, universe does not like me. Sometimes that terror thing is like, Look, you just need to trust and stop being a little bitch about it. Like just take my message. Like take the message.

Alexander Kriech:

Exactly. Don't you know by now I know.

Lady Charmaine:

It Yeah, I think for a lot of you know, me personally. I felt this energetic. Chaos is what it was before. Because I didn't know what it was or how it worked. And, you know, I drink a lot to deaden that feeling to this constant incoming of information and in and feelings from everything around me. And I was telling someone the other night about your work when it comes to the full moons. When I was a drinker. It was like full moon nights. Literally. I could drink all night. I could. Yeah, it's like I would never get drunk now. drunk as hell the next day. But during the evening, it's like, my body never got to that point of feeling intoxicated. And it was always like, way too late and all of a sudden be like, oh, guess what, you're intoxicated now. Get a ride home. But now that I am using and dissipating and grounding, you know, all the energy that comes into me, and around me, I don't even crave alcohol. Because I don't feel like I have to deaden this constant vibration in me.

Alexander Kriech:

Yeah. Totally. I mean, I craved alcohol so much more when I was working in restaurants and stuff. And like, I love the taste everything too. And I love a little buzz. But like, when I was really stressed, you know, like, taking on everyone's energy, like that high stress environment. It's no wonder that like, restaurant industry creates alcoholics, like constantly, you know, right. But I don't, I don't have the distress. I used to have been working in that environment. There's different stress when you're self employed. But like, honestly, like, I kind of a little bit more relaxed, and just like, yeah, the clients will come and just just chill out, actually, you can just take a nap. It's fine. Because, you know, again, like we talked about a couple episodes ago, just like, the not being productive all the time, nine to five doesn't work for me, you know, sometimes I'm just more productive at nighttime, like all that kind of stuff. So, absolutely.

Lady Charmaine:

And we had talked a little bit about consent and how consent works. You know, obviously, if someone comes and sees me for, for Reiki or some type of energy healing, you know, they're coming in and giving consent for me to work with them. I've also worked with people and done distance Reiki and distance healings, of course, we have a little check in beforehand and make sure like, Okay, are you relaxed? You know, do I have consent to like, tap into your energy now and, and make sure that we're all good? I do not. However, I you know, I'm not a scrying witch that just taps into people's energy at random. Because that goes against this energetics of consent. And so for me, I always think of about it goes back to like, the paranormal type things of and vampires Do you have to invite a vampire? Right? Right, right. So I think of myself like that to an energetic vampire. I mean, that's a thing, but that somebody needs to invite me into their space for me to work with their energy. Otherwise, it is unethical of me to just go messing around with with their vibes.

Alexander Kriech:

Yeah. I've also been like, where's the fun in like, I don't get, like tapping into someone's energy without permission. If you're not there, if they're not physically present for you to read them and like, validate what you're getting. What is the fun in that? Otherwise, it just feels like, wow, I think I might be getting something but I have no idea. I have no idea because you're not right here. So like, don't even do it. Because it's not even, at least in that argument. It's not not fun. Don't do that. Silly, you know? Just don't do that.

Mx Zephy:

Yeah, yeah. For me, it feels very uncomfortable. Like, I know when I've crossed the boundary, because like, my like, my, my entire, like, energetic body is like, this is not okay. Like, there's like a very visceral like feeling in my body that I've gone too far.

Alexander Kriech:

Right? When I don't think like my guides would be willing to give me information to like, I'm like, What? Why are you doing this? They didn't ask you to do that. We're not going to give you anything good luck sport.

Lady Charmaine:

Zeph when that happens to you, are you able to like bring back in and like, find your own? You like follow the energy thread back to where you need to be? Or

Mx Zephy:

I'm figuring that out? Sometimes I literally just pull all the way out and like, fuck this, I'm, I'm completely fucking out of this. Like, I'm not dealing with this. Like, I haven't been able to like navigate like, how far down the rabbit hole did I go where it wasn't supposed to go? And like, Can I retrace my way out of it? Cuz I'm like, you know how in the hell like, gosh, in the first place. I'm just pulling all the way out

Lady Charmaine:

cookie crumbs to lead yourself out.

Mx Zephy:

Yeah, it's like a lot for me. Like for me, it's just Yeah, I just had to pull out like I like I don't know there's I don't know how to describe it. I just knew there's like a there's like an energy there that I'm just like, let me just follow this and get out. I just know I don't even know how to describe it. I just know to pull out.

Lady Charmaine:


Mx Zephy:

Yeah, I'm not sure how to explain it. I literally am just like, Alright, it's almost like I get sucked backwards. Like, I don't know if that makes sense. Like it's almost like I get I suck myself backwards and pull out to where I'm at.

Alexander Kriech:

The pullout method does seem like a heterosexual thing. But continue I guess I guess not always. I

Lady Charmaine:

guess that method doesn't always work. Let's just be honest here. Sorry. No, don't be sorry. Sorry. So when it comes to the ground when it comes to grounding Alex, do you have any tips for people who want to get started? to tip? Yeah, just a tip give them just on how to get started in grounding. Not grinding grounding.

Alexander Kriech:

Yes. So I always say grounding for me is really, I basically the way I teach it, you can do this from your, from your feet, actually, I think. So grounding is really a solid kind of connection with the earth, right? It's that feeling of being safe feeling really steady. And when I teach grounding a teach it almost like an energy elimination technique. So what I do is, I usually have people sit with their feet flat on the floor, that helps you have to be sitting and just be standing up. But just imagine like tree roots, or whatever device so like I have you guys do like a big grounding cord, right from your tailbone down into the earth, okay. And whether it's roots or grounding cord, you're establishing some kind of energetic connection with Mother Earth, there is no magical secret to this. It's literally like just imagine vividly you doing it. So close your eyes, take a couple deep breaths. And just imagine whether it's a big strong grounding cord, like the size of a telephone pole, or really big, strong tree roots growing from your tailbone, or your feet down into Mother Earth. And watching those roots, or watching that grounding cord go down further and further into the planet, connecting down past the earth, several layers connecting and then eventually reaching the core of Mother Earth. And then I always tell people to like really feel mother Earth's energy because Mother Earth is alive. And part of our kind of birthright sort of in our relationship with Mother Earth, part of our relationship with her is that she really kind of takes energy that doesn't belong to us. So whether it's given to you by someone, whether it's like fear and anxiety, fear and anxiety picked up by doing scrolling on Twitter, whatever that energy is, just begin to imagine your physical body and your chakras in your aura, releasing any energy that's heavy, that's stagnant, that doesn't belong to you. And feel that energy releasing down your cord or down your roots. And begin to feel that gravitational pole, on your physical body on your energy system, and begin to know that it's working that you don't have to do anything, this is a very natural thing. And while you're feeling that energy, go down the planet released from your head, any tension and anxiety and your shoulders and your neck, releasing down your arms and hands and fingertips, your chest, your back, all the way down to your hips and your legs and your knees and feet, every crack and crevice in your space feeling that secure connection to Mother Earth, feeling that connection of steadiness and feeling safe. And that's how I do it.

Lady Charmaine:

I love it. I love it. And that was a great little every one you can like just hit the little like back 30 seconds button on your, on your phone. And you can try that over and over again. And you know, I would say even starting you know, if you're not into don't want to get get into energy work and and channeling and all of that you just use it for when you start meditation and take that five minutes of getting into meditation, you know, half of it is going to be walking yourself through this portion of it and then just sitting for a while and connecting with your breath. And that's the beauty of your grounding.

Alexander Kriech:

Exactly. And it helps to stop your super anxious mind from like when you start like doom scrolling in your mind when it's like oh my god, bah bah, bah, like you can't get centered. That's my favorite way to just like, get here now. You know, like, Oh, I need to stop being such a basket case. Let me try a little grounding. Sometimes it works a lot of the time.

Mx Zephy:

Yeah, I mean, ground ng is literally my favorite. I's just because I have so much un with it like, and I th nk that's, I think it's the key to thing too is like, have fun w th the grounding. Whatever t at looks like. I know for me, i's literally like, I have l ke Mother Earth. At least this t me she didn't slam the door on me and say not today Satan, li e, I'm glad that didn't happen. m, which means a good, li e, energy clear. But, um, yeah, just have fun with grounding, picture, whatever you want. And just run with it.

Alexander Kriech:

Exactly. Yeah, it will say to you, it's not even if you don't want that mental exercise. Sometimes you just need to go for a walk and be outside. You connect with nature, like fresh air walking, getting in your body that's also grounding to doesn't have to be this warm.

Lady Charmaine:

Snapity snap, snap, snap. I agree with all of that. All right, well, this has been so much fun. And we appreciate you so much, Alex, thanks for giving us your time here to help us out this week. And for the rest of you. We will see you right back here for Misfit Mondays, next Monday.

Alexander Kriech:

Bye, everyone.

Mx Zephy:

Thank you for spending time with us and this week's Misfit Mondays. If you love what you hear, subscribe to new episodes and drop a review or connect with us on Patreon and Instagram. We're looking forward to catching you right here next week. Thanks, folks.