Misfit Mondays

Soul Talkin

January 18, 2021 Zephyr Williams & Charmaine Houck Season 1 Episode 14

Today, we continue our never-ending quest to savor Chakra Khan. We take a bit of a detour into woo woo territory again, but it’s woo that is accessible for you. Let’s get channeling folks!

Joining us today is Alexander Kriech. Find him at akriechintuitive.com or on Youtube. Alexander is also on Facebook and Instagram at Alexander Kriech Intuitive. Be sure to chakra out his podcast, Clairvoyant Conversations.

Mx Zephy:

Lady Charmaine, are you sure this Shadow Work is light work? It looks questionable to me.

Lady Charmaine:

It's fine Mx Zephy.

Mx Zephy:

But what about toxic light work?

Lady Charmaine:

Uggh, just grab a warm beverage and settle in.

Mx Zephy:

End scene! Just misfits!

Lady Charmaine:

Hello beautiful misfits! Are you fed up with the good vibes only crowd?

Mx Zephy:

People telling you where to go and how to be present?

Lady Charmaine:

Afraid to make your own choices and free to be you?

Mx Zephy:

Feeling just trapped?

Lady Charmaine:

Us too. Join us as we turn the light out on spirituality and get comfortable with the shadows right now with Misfit Mondays.

Mx Zephy:

Hello beautiful people! Mx Zephy here pronouns xe | xem. And with me is Lady Charmaine pronoun she | hers and we have our special guest Alex Kreich pronouns he | him back with us again this week. We are so thankful for him joining us. So today we continue our never ending quest to savor Chakra Khan, we take a bit of a detour into Wu territory again this week, but it's whoo that accessible for you. So let's get channeling folks. And yes, I know I can feel those damn eyerolls directed at us. Come on misfits channeling, really, to that I say pause and breathe. But just not too hard. You're 40 years gone grandma might pop in with a message for you. Kidding! so channeling brings up a lot of difficult emotions and mixed reactions. It's definitely not for everyone. We definitely understand that viewpoint. But here's the yes and of it all. Let's go right back to that first episode of misfits. Yes, it sounds wacky and out there. And we also know channeling as we understand it is accessible to all. So Alex, we'd like to start with you kind of chat about what your channeling experience is like, um, yeah. And no holes barred. just go for it.

Alexander Kriech:

So I guess I kind of wanted to define it first. And the way I kind of define it is like, people have been channeling since we were, I don't know, first evolved on the planet, right. It's something that we do all the time. And channeling to me is just like a connection to energy that is, like higher than you or just connection to some other energy that isn't like you, right? And you can artists do this all the time. When you're in like a creative flow. And you're feeling you know, just whatever, like inspiration or the words just kind of coming through you that creative flow, I consider that a form of channeling, right. But the way channeling is I commonly I think understood is like, Oh, this person is talking to dead people, or this person is talking to spirit and kind of bringing in bringing in messages right, or bringing in just like connecting to some sort of higher energy. So I think I've been channeling like, my whole life and not really knowing what it was. Right. And I think because channeling To me, it's like such a loose definition. But like when that feeling when like something kind of pops in your mind, like when you make when you're kind of asking a question to the universe, like where did I put my keys, and then you're like, I have this like feeling there under the couch. I don't really know why I kind of consider that a form of channeling, right. Like you're connected to some sort of source or connected some sort of spirit guide that's like, Hey, you might want to like check into the couch, right? But so when I do a reading, when I when I connect to spirit, I really allow, you know, I connect up to like energies and universal light and love and my spirit guides and angels and all that kind of thing. And I always state my intention that the highest energies are going to come through and that whatever my client or what whoever I'm reading for what they need to know comes through me. And it's like I kind of just surrender a little bit. And at the risk of sounding foolish every time and I get nervous every time you're reading even though I've been doing it for like five years at this point. Maybe you are so glad. Yeah, I just think anyone who's like, Oh, I just always know. And they're always very superior. And like, I have a 90.9% accuracy rate. I'm like, I just think they're full of shit. I just really like I just always have a little stage fright. I think it's totally normal. Yeah, but for me, my channeling is mostly knowing things without knowing why I know them seeing various mental images. So when I do a reading, I'll have the person say their name like three times. And that's always my kind of connection with them. And so I focus on these like mental pictures I'm getting and what I'm feeling, even though a lot of times it feels like I'm just making this shit up. But it's like I know at this point, I'm not right. Because for example, you could say your name three times to me and I might see like a Red Tornado. And I know when I look at this Red Tornado. Red to me like that red for whatever reason, in that moment felt like instability. It felt like stress, it felt like this person has always experienced a lot of turbulence and change in their life. And then this person said that guess that is why I came to this reading today was because I have this like pattern in my life. Like, I always feel like I have to pick up and move. I always feel like I have to be on the run. Right. So to me that is channeling, you are connecting to some other energy, there is a deeper form of channeling that I do kind of in private that I might start doing more publicly, but it sounds even more Woo. So I'm a little like, nervous about it more. Woo. Is that the try Woo? Woo. I think so. I think so.

Lady Charmaine:

Or woo cubed.

Alexander Kriech:

It's basically where I've just kind of connected to higher states of consciousness. So like, I've had, you know, the Divine Mother slash mother, Mary, come in, I've had, you know, like a collective of beings in a higher dimension come in, I've had even when it's felt like they were very plainly like, et energies come in as well, right. And I just kind of allowed them to sort of speak their message through me. But that's like a very different form of channeling as well. So that's kind of my definition. What it is, but it's very, I think, a wide and varied experience.

Lady Charmaine:

Absolutely. I think I mean, for me, I've only I say this is so funny. I've been, I've been queer and out for years, I've been intuitive and out for only a short period of time. Yeah. Yeah. You know, I grew up very strict Catholic. So there are things that I believed you didn't believe. And then, obviously, the older I get, the more information I'm like, Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's everyone is channeling in the Bible.

Alexander Kriech:

Got it. Right. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Totally.

Lady Charmaine:

THe whole Bible is channeled. Got it? Yeah. Yeah, you know, I start to figure things out on my own. It's my personal opinion, folks, you don't have to go with it. But I remember picking up information at a very, very early age. And I've had vivid, very vivid dreams, all of my life. And now as an adult, you know, I think I thought astral projection was just like a normal state of dreaming. Right? When I was young, that was just how my dreams were. And that's how I would come into things. It wasn't until later in life that I started to actually journal the things that came to me in my dreams, or in meditation or anything like that. And I would start getting words and symbols and phrases, and all of these things. In fact, I had a dream that I had my daughter. Before I found out before I knew I was pregnant, like a month before I I found out I was pregnant. And I wasn't supposed to be able to have any more children, because of uterine issues. So it's, all these things have come to me in life. And I'm just like, well, there haven't been any lies, like the things that I see are real. And then when I got into energy healing and Reiki, I realized that as I was working with people and doing energy work, I would start to automatically get visions, communication, whether it was messages coming through verbally, or imagery, or it was like all of my clairsensing was ramped up, I could smell things, I could taste things I could all all of this came through. And for a while, I didn't want to tell anybody about, just like, I'm losing my mind. And then, you know, I did research, I talked to a lot of other healers and realize that know this, you know, I've I've had this my entire life. And the more that I embrace it, and speak about it and do it. The more that I get, the more that I can easily tap in and receive intuitive answers about just about anything. You know including tapping into other people's energy with permission from a distance. And so as much as I wasn't on board for a period of my time. Now, I firmly believe that, you know, everyone has certain innate abilities. And while some people again, as we talked last week, might not become professionals or have that skill to do this full time all the time. We all have an innate ability and a gut Feeling and intuition that allows us to tap in if we're willing to put in the work and flex those muscles a little bit. And so that's how I found your psychic development course. And it's been eye opening. And understanding how I, how I run energy, rather than just doing it because before it was just like, this is what I do. Now I've kind of like, Okay, so this is what it feels like when I do it this way. And it almost allows me to play more, because I always did it my way because that was just the way it was. That's the way it felt right for me. And I had never gone or deviated from that, because I wasn't sure if I knew what I was doing. And I didn't want to do it wrong. And so we'll go back to a few weeks ago a fuck perfectionism. And here we are, like, step into it. And, and if anyone is, is scared about trying a psychic development course I'm telling you now, don't be scared, it is so much fun and you're going to learn so much. And if you're super excited about it, seriously, get a hold of Alex and, and get get those pre recorded contents because holy buckets it's it's a good time. And, and I'm always here to help. I'm always here to help too. So, you know if, if you get his content and you're like, I need a partner to practice with you just you call lady Charmaine and we will practice together. But Zeph, how, how has channeling been for you? Because you You seem to have innately way more power out the gate then than I did. And so what's your story?

Mx Zephy:

Thank you. And you know, I think what what I really find beautiful about like, both y'all stories is it's grounded in this idea that we all have this like inner knowing, like we all seem to, like just kind of intuitively know that there's something bigger than us. There's something much more like important much like there's something it's almost like we have a purpose here. And I think for a lot of us, I think for me and channeling and I'm new to this like idea of like mediumship channeling that kind of woowoo channeling stuff. Because I see channeling for me is like a way to receive healing love and guidance from the universe in a way that makes sense for me, and so for me that like the first way this really showed up was in tarot readings and I am actually a really fucking good tarot reader. I did one for Tara for Charmaine, like when I first started and there was a question that she was asking and I'm like, I don't fucking know what the goddamn answer is like, what the hell is going on? And all of a sudden like it like there was just energy coming out of the cards like I could see when I pick up tarot cards. There's a specific energy that shows up it's sometimes it shows up in colors. Actually, I just got one the other day it's called a bone tarot deck and when I touch it, it literally sends like electricity through my body. I can feel like it's just insanity and I think to like you know, and it's not even that electricity piece to this a lot like I think for me like especially in your class like I'm learning that there's a lot of untapped potential with me because when i when i channel when I do all these like astral projections and all these other things, like I can sense when people are in my space I know when people are like in my energetic space and even if they don't tell me I know when somebody is there, I get pressure sensations like heat or cold like there's some times where I will literally get something on my left side that says that's like it's a cold on my left side or something or it's a heat or something like it's just so much information I also get sights, get sounds like it colors and for me with your classes a lot of it is like trying to filter out what the fuck is making sense like how do I stop like this flow of information coming because I get headaches sometimes from this from like, Am I getting a nosebleed is this like, because I feel like in the like in the end like like Vampire Diaries and all these like supernatural shows the witches always get like nose bleeds and things like that I'm like, right? If the shit never happens to me, I'm out like fuck it. And for me, it's a lot of tuning into that interview and asking for that guidance, because a lot of what I'm trying to do is you know, it's self improvement or even collective improving because I see a lot of my work here you know, especially as somebody who's doing this mediumship is to further the highest and brightest in somebody else. We talk about this a lot in yoga with Namaste and like in an honoring the highest and brightest in people, but I take that off the mat too. And a lot of my channeling stuff is, you know, in my mother, I've talked about her a number of times on here and my mom actually was somebody who was very intuitive. She was somebody who had clairvoyance. She just always knew things. I think that's where mine comes from. So that genetic passed down. Yep. And I also get like random information about things that I shouldn't know about like we were in your class and I something I picked up something on like Alice in Wonderland, I was like, there's Alice in Wonderland, there's science. There's you explaining something and the person I was partnered with was like, Oh, I was just actually explaining like the theoretical application of like Alice in Wonderland to people. I'm like, guess this is happening? Right? And I think for me, like this mediumship really only came because I had to figure out like my place of Connect inside. Like I had to dig through a lot of Shadow Work to kind of get where I was at, because all these other things and you know, going back to that chakra episode a couple weeks ago, it was, wait, was it last week as already last week, so time doesn't worry at that point. But for me, like it was I had to figure out like, how do I balance myself a little bit more, a little chaotic little everywhere, like literally just deep in my own personal shit. And I couldn't see how this would work for me. You know, and even with this channeling, you know, in reason and the other reason I really like your your class, is because it kind of gives us a little bit of like structure around it, because I've always had this fear because I've always known that there's like, there's power here, there's a lot here, there's a potential for harm. And that terrifies me. All right. And I love that your class kind of gives us those rules kind of gives that the grounding exercises my favorite. And you've you've been with me on the energy journey, it feels like a damn video game.

Alexander Kriech:

Yep, it's Yeah, there's definitely like, I think a lot more people are having, you know, spiritual awakening, like intuitive experiences than a single tapping on that the time. So happening. So having some kind of structure and be like, hey, like, this is pretty normal. Like, you're a spiritual being having a physical experience. Like this is your kind of birthright and just like, that's called clairvoyance, or that's called this. And here's how to release energy. And just like it's very normal, and to trust yourself to because I think, you know, one of the, I tend to get like two different types of students. Like, you get students who are like, very, and obviously, there's a lot of gray area, but you get, I think you have like, so Zeph, definitely have you where it's like, kind of overly channeling, if that makes sense. Like, it's just raw energy, you're like, I don't know what, and it's like, okay, there's just like, a little bit of ground, it's, you know, it's like, here's a couple of things that we can do to kind of fine tune that. And then, and then we have some, we have a camp over here, which was more me, which is more mental, and more like, Oh, I'm just like, afraid to like, say anything and like fake anything that I'm getting. And, and but it's like, once you do, it's like it's pretty, it's like, it's very clear, you know what I mean? So yeah, I love it. I just think it's fun. I think it's I think psychic stuff is fun. Honestly, it's like when it comes down to like, yeah, it's really, it's really fun to do good reading for somebody like like, I just pull that information out of the air

Mx Zephy:

And I think that's the thing about channeling too, is bitch. like, you know what channeling is because you find joy and pleasure. And I think that's the thing is like, you know, and like because you find joy and pleasure. So maybe you're dancing and you got really caught up. In the moment, you really got caught up in the movement for a moment or, you know, you're out in nature, and you felt really grounded or connected. And it's like, right, do you remember those experiences? What was that feeling and that sensation, because channeling shows up in a lot of different ways other than this mediumship tarot stuff like connecting to spirit also shows up in like music, or music, painting, or walking in nature, like all of these things are like forms of channeling, and you have access to those. And I think it's like what brings you pleasure and you know, back to self care, like what brings you pleasure and joy? Can you connect that place of pleasure and joy? Because I think that's where you're going to find out where you channel and how you channel?

Alexander Kriech:

Absolutely. Hmm, yeah. Well,

Lady Charmaine:

you know, for me, I do most of my channeling when I'm working with my energy clients. So I would say I was very much in that mental side of Camp a couple weeks ago in class, because I came into class late, it's the first time that I've been in the group. And I got partnered with my first person, and I'm like, crap, I don't know this person at all. You know, I've never done a reading for anybody. In that sense. I've never done a reading for someone you know, who I wasn't touching, you know, and doing energy work on and so I just let it flow. I was really scared and I didn't know this person and I kept getting some visuals. And they're asking like, what they were going to do this next year for work. And I was like, Well, I don't know what you're gonna do for work, but I see you really working with your hands and you're gonna do woodworking like I see you lathing something lovely, like, totally random. I don't write I don't know why that's came to me. That was just what was there. My partner comes back and says that's really, really crazy because my mother inherited an entire woodworking shop with all the woodworking tools.

Alexander Kriech:

Cool. That's so cool. Like, holy shit, right? I just pulled that out of the air bitches. Seriously, it's like I love those. It's like, it's like part of it feels really like healing and fulfilling and it feels like like this is what I was supposed to be doing. And then part of it, it's like, it's, there must be some kind of thrill seeker in me because like, it just feels like when you get those, like, the ego part of me is like, Yeah, I got it like a home run, like I was like the solar plexus thing. Exactly. But it's like, you know, it's like anything else. It's like, you're like feeling good at your job. But a lot of it is like, just trusting in spirit and trusting and that they have your back to that you're not, it's pointed out to me many times. It's like, like, Alex, like, you have like an entire team that's like helping you like don't think you have to do it all yourself. You just have to show up, you know, and trust the information, and blab and like, you know, breathe and blurt, like blab it out? You don't I mean, like, if you set your intention, if you follow the steps if you do the thing you're supposed to do generally get information for your person, you know, right. Yeah,

Mx Zephy:

I think again, it just comes back to the inner knowing I think we lose sight of that inner knowing just based on like all the things that get in the way, like whether it's like society, placing expectations on us, or us placing expectations on ourselves because of what society tells us we need to be. We're even like, I mean, like, Charmaine, we're talking about astral projection. The CIA just recently declassified information about like astral projection in the fucking United States government. So like, it's not like we're being crazy. There are things out there, it's just, like, there's an inner knowing, and our fucking government even knows about it too. And CIA, if you're listening, I did not say this. My address is nowhere anywhere. I know, but you probably already know. Anyways.

Alexander Kriech:

I want to mention too, if anyone out there is like, I want to maybe try some psychic development, but I don't know if I am. The only thing you need is desire is like desire to learn and desire to like, and then it's, you can eat there is there is something there. And the only thing you need is really desire. And like, you know, hopefully your life is in a mostly, you know, hopefully you're kind of stable in your life. Like, if there's a lot of chaos, I'm sure it's probably harder to harder to learn this stuff. But still, like you learn how to ground and how to be safe, wherever you are, you know what I mean? How to trust in spirit. So it can even really, it's not really for me, it's like, not just like, teaching you to be more intuitive. It's also like giving you some like really valuable life skills, like, know how to create your reality, you know, all that other stuff. So

Lady Charmaine:

that's good stuff for the new year.

Mx Zephy:

Mm hmm. Exactly. Vision planning. Right. Whoo.

Lady Charmaine:

All right, well, let's just take a quick moment and allow ourselves to just I'll do a quick guided meditation here on that. So if you are out there, and you would like to close down your eyes, or just gently look at the floor, just kind of to a place of gentle breath. And be mindful of how your breath flows in and out. And think back to what we've discussed here today. Just your inner knowing, feeling into each of your chakras as you breathe, taking a nice, deep breath, pulling it right down to hear root. And with your next breath, pulling it into your Sacral Chakra. And your solar plexus, my your belly to expand. Really take all that power in. And let's take a nice deep breath into our heart space. And then let's focus on our throat as we breathe in and feel that air come all the way through our windpipe and up to our third eye. And now your crown. This short moment of mindfulness truly is a practice of knowing, knowing self finding security and self love. And we think each and every one of you for showing up here for Misfit Mondays. We look forward to meeting you right back here next week. Bye.

Mx Zephy:

Thank you for spending time with us and this week's Misfit Mondays. If you love what you hear, subscribe to new episodes and drop a review, or connect with us on Patreon and Instagram. We're looking forward to catching you right here next week. Thanks, folks.