Misfit Mondays

Welcome to the Island of Misfit Intuitives

October 10, 2020 Zephyr Williams & Charmaine Houck Season 1

Spirituality is neatly packaged as sunshine, cool breeze, and nice music. But, it's not all that. It's shiny, cold, hard, plastic. Yep, we're quoting Mean Girls here. Because that's Misfit Mondays. We're bringing spirituality to your ears via pop culture, current events, community agreements, and the storm of the century. We’re a space for all you Intuitive Misfits out there wondering how to turn the light out on spirituality and get comfortable with the shadows.

Mx Zephy:

Hello beautiful people, and welcome to Misfit Mondays. We're so glad to have you. I'm Mx Zephy, pronouns xe | xem. I'm a Mademoiselle Femme Fatale, social dislocator, card slinger, and all around gender explorer. And my co host is Charmaine Houck, pronouns she | hers, wild woman, soul warrior, author, healer, and a spiritual wellness rebel. Say hello, Charmaine.

Charmaine Houck:

Hey, everyone. Thank you for joining us for Misfit Mondays. We're gonna get real so strap in, get a warm beverage. Stay calm, because you're about to hear things you may have never heard before.

Mx Zephy:

We are Misfit Mondays. And today, we welcome you to the Island of Misfit Intuitives Wait, whAAAT? You haven't heard of us? Bless your heart. We're new and you're gonna love us. So Misfit Mondays. Let's chat a little bit one on one. Because one is the loneliest number but not when you're on an island. So... Close down your eyes for a moment. Picture this if you will. You've got sunshine, cool ocean breeze. Just wafting in

that scent. You know the one:

salt, joy, bliss: so unique that Yankee can't hold a candle to it. Waves rolling rolling in for some nice ambience, no nine-to-five to report to and not a single fucking person to bother you. Ah, island life is paradise, isn't it? Up until about that point that you realize that sunshine and nice background noise. It's only masking the problems just under the surface. What about food? Have you thought about fresh water? Maybe some shelter? These are just the basics. What about in an emergency? Say a storm rolls and you get impaled by a flying conch. Or, you know say you're resting peacefully under a coconut tree and you get knocked on the noggin by a falling coconut. Hey, it could happen. This is your reality. This is how spirituality is neatly packaged to us. Nice sunshine, cool breeze and nice music. But it's not all that. It's shiny. cold, hard. plastic. Yep, you heard right were quoting Mean Girls here. Because that's Misfit Mondays. We're bringing spirituality to your ears via pop culture, current events, community agreements, and the storm of the century. We're a space for all you intuitive misfits out there wondering just how to turn the light out on spirituality and get comfortable with the shadows. Spirituality is more than just love, light, and rainbows out your ass. It's more about those hard and honest conversations with your inner voice on who you are, how you fit in, or stand out. And the stories you tell yourselves. Is this the real life? Or is this just fantasy? Buckle up betches, we're getting real.

Charmaine Houck:

That's right. We are here to embrace all of your shadows. Misfit Mondays is not your gurus namaste. It's not anything you've ever heard before. And so we're going to start right now, with a beautiful guided meditation. We're just going to go ahead, I'm going to light some Palo Santo. And I want you to step into this moment with me. Think of the space around you as your own sacred space. It doesn't matter where you are right now. You could be on your mother's couch, you could be riding the subway, close your eyes, if you feel comfortable. Just take a moment here to feel into the energy that we're bringing to you. nice deep breath in and out and in and out. We're here to come into a safe space with our shadows. Not working through all the good but learning how to pull all the good out of the gray matter both in our minds and in our lives. Do you have that memory that thing deep inside you that you haven't forgiving yourself for yet. Take a moment and just think, think on that time. Think on that place on those emotions. And as we give this moment in our past, space, let's also wrap it in compassion for we act, based on our own knowing and experiences. And today we know better. Today we've experienced more. Today we have learned. We have been brave. We have come through struggles and heartaches. And we have known joy. We have smiled at something that was miniscule, to others, that filled us. As we work through these shadows, and we unwrap these memories, sort through these energy threads and move through the underbrush of all of our lives, we have to find that path to come out the other side and back into the light. Moving into shadow gives us a space to become true to ourselves to our hearts, where we develop the skills to truly step into our power and shine our light forth from the other side. In this space, you are not alone. We are here to help guide you, to hold space, to take questions, and to give answers. But more than that, we're here to be real, to be authentically ourselves and to shine our light towards you so that you can be authentically yourself. MMMM, give that memory a hug. A thank you for the lessons you've learned. Take that lesson. Place it into your heart space. And gently allow that shadow moment to settle. We do not have to come back to it ever if you're ready to forgive. Or we can allow it to be embraced and ready for the next step of the journey. The next part of Misfit Mondays, where we can go a little bit deeper. MMM. Take a nice deep breath in. And as you exhale, let go of that energy that's no longer serving you. Let the universe take it back, rejuvenating your inner soul, your inner guidance, your inner knowing and coming into this space. We are so happy to have you here on this journey. We want to help you find the space to grow and learn and play a space for you to come into your own courage and brave heart. And we are happy to be your company and guide you along the way. Thank you feel free to open your eyes. Stretch, yawn, move, whatever you need. Now, as we move forward, we want you to know more about us, but we're not going to give it all away in this little ditty. So if you want to know more about Mx Zephy and myself, you'll just need to keep listening. We have a special episode coming up. We are sure that you are going to love. We will each chat about our journey through the shadows. First, tune in next Monday for our very first episode, Yes, and... where we'll throw a flashlight on the shadow side of spirituality and take an exploratory look at the multiple truths of spirituality. Follow us on social media at Misfit Mondays, and stay up to date with us. Thanks for listening, and we hope to catch you next week right here.